Publications récentes
Février 2025
Validation of the Canadian English and French Versions of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale in Quebec Nursing Staff. Gélinas, C., Maheu-Cadotte, M-A., Di Nardo, É., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Gallani, MC., Gosselin, É., Maheu, C., Lambert, SD., Richard-Lalonde, M., Tchouaket Nguemeleu, E. & Côté, J.
Nurses' Experiences of Using Coercion in Forensic and Non-Forensic Settings: A Constant Comparative Analysis. Paradis-Gagné, E., Pelosse, D., Pariseau-Legault, P., Brisebois, L. & Cader, M.
Evaluating the acceptability of a self-directed, self-management intervention for patients and caregivers facing advanced cancer. Wasserman, S., Ould Brahim, L., Laizner, AM., Mehta, A., Côté, J., Henry, M., Thibodeau, K., Bitzas, VB. & Lambert, SD.
Effectiveness of My Tools for Care-in Care: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial.O'Rourke, HM., Swindle, J., Baxter, P., Peacock, S., Thompson, G., Ghosh, S., Chacinski, D., Holroyd-Leduc, J., Dubé, V. & Duggleby, W.
Impact of an acute 1-month cannabidiol treatment on pain and inflammation after a long bone fracture: a triple-blind randomised, placebo-controlled, clinical trial protocol. Brazeau, D., Deshaies, A.A., Williamson, D., Bernard, F., Arbour, C., Pinard, A.M., Rouleau, D. & De Beaumont, L.
Experiences and attitudes towards agitated behaviours in TBI ICU patients (EXSTATIC): understanding various management practices through qualitative interviews with nurses. Saavedra-Mitjans, M., David, P.-M., Arbour, C., Perreault, M.M., Roux, M., Frenette, A.J., Khwaja, K., Bernard, F. & Williamson, D.R.
Les formations infirmières à la coordination des soins et des services : un examen de la portée. Karam, M.; *Torabi, P., *Boubaker, A. & Brault, I.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Janvier 2025
Third age fitness: the connective materiality of a major movement in Brazil. Leibing, A., Rossin Costa, B. & Nelvo R.
Telehomecare Monitoring for Patients Receiving Anticancer Oral Therapy: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Evaluability Study. Tremblay, D., Joly-Mischlich, T., Dufour, A., Battista, M-C., Berbiche, D., Côté, J., Décelles, M., Forget, C., Guérin, B., Larivière, M., Lemay, F., Lemonde, M., Maillet, É., Moreau, N., Pavic, M., Soldera, S. & Wilhelmy, C.
Transformation and articulation of clinical data to understand students' clinical reasoning: a scoping review. Deschênes, M-F., Fernandez, N., Lechasseur, K., Caty, M-È., Uctu, B-M., * Bouzeghrane, Y. & Lavoie, P.
Exploring Police Officer Experiences During the Transfer of People in Crisis to Emergency Department Nurses and Staff. *Hudson, E., Lavoie-Tremblay,M. & Anaert, A.
Health promotion nursing interventions for female breast cancer survivors: A scoping review. *Torabi, P., Chouinard, M-C., Sévigny, M-M. & Bilodeau, K.
From Subversion to Hard-Wiring Equity: A Discourse Analysis of Nurses' Equity-Promoting Practices in Emergency Departments. Slemon, A., Bungay, V., Varcoe, C. & Blanchet-Garneau, A.
Does a Prolonged Sham Theta Burst Stimulation Intervention Regimen Outperform Standard Care in Terms of Functional Recovery and Pain Relief After an Upper Limb Fracture? Proulx-Begin, L., Jodoin, M., Brazeau, D., Herrero Babiloni, A., Provost, C., Rouleau, D-M., Arbour, C. & De Beaumont, L.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Décembre 2024
Facilitators' experiences with virtual simulation and their impact on learning. Verkuy,l M., Violato, E., Southam, T., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Goldsworthy, S., MacEachern, D. & Atack, L.
The implementation of infant pain practice change resource to improve infant procedural pain practices: a hybrid type 1 effectiveness-implementation study. Stevens, B., Bueno, M., Barwick, M., Campbell-Yeo, M., Chambers, C., Estabrooks, C., Flynn, R., Gibbins, S., Harrison, D., Isaranuwatchai, W., Le May, S., Noel, M., Stinson, J., Synnes, A., Victor, C & Yamada, J.
Cold and vibration for children undergoing needle-related procedures: A non-inferiority randomized clinical trial. * Ballard, A, * Khadra, C, Fortin, O, Guingo, E, Trottier, E.D, Bailey, B, Poonai, N & Le May, S.
Development of Clinical Judgment in Prelicensure Nursing Students Through Simulation: A Longitudinal Study. Bussard, M.E., Jacobs, L.A., Mahoney, S.A., Davi,s L.L., Oberhaus, A.M. & Lavoie, P.
Co-Designing Case Scenarios and Survey Strategies to Examine the Classification and Reporting of Restrictive Care Practices in Adult Mental Health Inpatient Settings: Perspectives From International Stakeholders. Belayneh, Z., Lee, D.A., Haines, T.P., Aluh, D.O., Onu, J.U., Newton-Howes, G., Masters, K., Kohn, Y., Sin, J., Goulet, M-H., Husum, T.L., Jelastopulu, E., Bakola, M., Opgenhaffen, T., Gowda, G.S., Mekuriaw, B., De Cuyper, K., Muir-Cochrane, E., Canteloupe, Y., Diviney, E., Staggs, V.S & Petrakis M.
Bernadette au fil du temps : une perspective évolutive des soins psychiatriques de l’internement aux alternatives à l’hospitalisation. Simard, M-È., Goulet, M-H., *Hudson, É., Coulombe, V. & Lainesse, S.
Projet ÉCHINOPS : collaborer avec les forces de l’ordre pour les échappés du système de santé. De Benedictis, L., *Bouchard, A., *Thériault, G., McGuire, W., Goulet, M-H. & Larue, C.
Les relations de régulation du champ d’exercice infirmier à l’hôpital : une ethnographie institutionnelle du travail infirmier. Stake-Doucet, N.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Novembre 2024
Towards a Better Use of Safety Planning in Emergency Departments: An Exploratory Study of Patients and Clinicians' Perspectives. Brousseau-Paradis, C., Genest, C., Maltais, N., Séguin, M. & Rassy J.
World delirium awareness and quality survey in 2023-a worldwide point prevalence study.Lindroth, H., Liu, K., Szalacha, L., Ashkenazy, S., Bellelli ,G., van den Boogaard ,M., Caplan, G., Chung, C.R., Elhadi, M., Gurjar, M., Heras-La-Calle, G., Hoffman, M., Jeitziner, M-M., Krewulak ,K., Mailhot, T., Morandi, A., Nawa, R .K., Oh, E -S., Collet, M.O., Paulino, M-C., von Haken, R,. Nydahl, P. & WDAD Study Team.
Perceived Effectiveness of Components of Interventions to Support People Bereaved By Suicide. Hofmann, L., Putri, A.K., Pitman, A., Bantjes, J., Castelli Dransart, D .A., Causer, H., Cerel, J., Chow, A., De Leo, D., Feigelman, B., Genest, C., Griffin, E., Hybholt, L., Kawashima, D., Kõlves, K., Krysinska, K., Leaune ,E., Leenaars ,A., Levi-Belz, Y., McNally, S., Omerov, P., Pelaez, S., Peprah, J., Postuvan, V., Rothes, I.A., Scavacini ,K., Scocco, P., Seibl ,R., Hagström ,A.S., Skruibis, P, Thomyangkoon, P., Tiatia-Siau, J., Van der Hallen, R., Wagner, B. & Andriessen, K.
Reflective Tool on Advanced Access to Support Primary Healthcare Teams: Development and Validation of an Online Questionnaire. Gaboury, I., Breton, M., Beaulieu, C., Renard, M., Sasseville, M., Maillet, L., Hudon, C., Rodrigues, I., Malham, S.A., Duhoux, A. & Haggerty, J.
Opportunities of integrated care to improve equity for adults with complex needs: a qualitative study of case management in primary care. Hudon, C., Bisson, M., Chouinard, M-C., Moullec, G., Del Barrio, L.R., Angrignon-Girouard, É., Pratte, M-M. & Poirier, MD.
Mental Health Crisis: An Evolutionary Concept Analysis. *Hudson, E., Pariseau-Legault, P., Cassivi, C., Chouinard. C & Goulet. M-H.
Pain Assessment in the Patient Unable to Self- Report: Clinical Practice Recommendations in Support of the ASPMN 2024 Position Statement. Herr, K., Anderson, A.R., Arbour C., Coyne, P.J., Ely, E., Gelinas, C. & Manworren, R.C.B.
Pain Assessment in the Patient Unable to Self-Report. Herr, K., Anderson, A.R., Arbour, C., Coyne, P.J., Ely, E., Gelinas, C.& Manworren, R.C.B.
The use of virtual reality during medical procedures in a pediatric orthopedic setting: A mixed-methods pilot feasibility study. Addab, S., Hamdy, R., Le May, S., Thorstad, K. & Tsimicalis, A.
Work participation of hematological cancer survivors after hematopoietic cell transplantation: A scoping review. Bilodeau, K., *Vinette, B., Gélinas-Gagné, C., *Hartono, B., Désilets, M., Ahmad, I. & Porro, B.
Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) programs for monitoring symptoms among patients treated with immunotherapy: A scoping review. Lambert, D., S., Soldera, S., Kazdan, J., Frati, F., Slominska, A., Bilodeau, K., Boutin, M., Howell, D., Le Breton, K., Dube, M., Samouelian, V., Letendre, C. & Gratton, M-O.
The role of collaborative governance in translating national cancer programs into network-based practices: A longitudinal case study in Canada. Tremblay, D., Usher, S., Bilodeau, K. & Touati N.
Managing sleep disruptions during cancer: Practical tips for patient education. Arbour, C., Hjeij, D., Bilodeau, K.
La « compétence culturelle » : réflexion critique sur l’usage de cette expression dans le domaine de la santé et des services sociaux. Lenoir, A., Vissandjée, B., Doré, C & Belhadj-Ziane, K.
Transition to Practice: Perceptions of Newly Graduated Nurses in Relation to the Participation of Nurse Managers in a Transition Program. *Tan, V. & Lavoie-Tremblay, M.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Octobre 2024
Exploring the experiences of police officers during the transfer of people suffering from a mental health crisis to emergency department nurses. * Hudson, E., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., & Arnaert, A.
Développement et validation de l’échelle de Leadership en sciences infirmières et de la santé fondé sur les forces. Frechette, J., Boies, K., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Clausen, C., Ens Manning, K., Mastroberardino, M., Lavigne, G., & Gottlieb, L. N.
The Exercise of Nurses' Clinical Leadership in Hospital Care Units: A Qualitative Multiple Case Study. Boutin, G., Pepin, J. & Brault, I.
Care trajectories and transitions at the end of life: a population-based cohort study. Dufour, I., Legault, V., Godard-Sebillotte, C., Vanasse, A., Lebel, A., Quesnel-Vallee, A., Lacasse, A., Neron A., Cloutier A.-M., Giguere A., Lamarche B., Vissandjee al.
Seclusion and mechanical restraint in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic: an increased use in mental health settings. Goulet, M-H., Cassivi, C., Hupé, C., Jean-Baptiste, F. & Dumais, A.
Effects of implementation strategies on nursing practice and patient outcomes: a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis. Fontaine, G., *Vinette, B., Weight, C., Maheu-Cadotte, M-A., Lavallée, A., Deschênes, M-F., Lapierre, A., Castiglione, SA., Chicoine, G., Rouleau, G., Argiropoulos, N., Konnyu, K, Mooney, M, Cassidy, CE, Mailhot, T, Lavoie, P, Pépin, C, Cossette, S, Gagnon, M-P, Semenic, S, Straiton, N & Middleton, S.
Application of the Person-Centered Care to Manage Responsive Behaviors in Clients with Major Neurocognitive Disorders: A Qualitative Single Case Study. Zarshenas, S., Paulino, C., Senechal, I., Decary, J., Dufresne, A., Bourbonnais, A., Aquin, C., Bruneau, MA., Champoux, N., Belchior, P., Couture, M. & Bier, N.
Nocebo Effect on Pain Perception and Attention with Children With and Without Attention Deficit And/Or Hyperactivity Disorder. Belleï-Rodriguez, C-É., Colloca, L., Lorrain, D., Marchand, S. & Léonard, G.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Septembre 2024
Investigating clinical decision-making in bleeding complications among nursing students: A longitudinal mixed-methods study. Lavoie, P., *Lapierre, A., Deschênes, M-F., *Royère, K., *Lalière, H., *Khetir, I., Bussard, M.E. & Mailhot, T.
Primary Healthcare Providers' Activities in Linking Patients With Chronic Diseases to Community Organizations: A Scoping Review. Grgurevic, N., Chouinard, M-C, Ellefsen, É., Hudon, É. & Hudon, C.
Beliefs and experiences of educators when involved in the design of a Learning-by-concordance tool: A qualitative interpretative study. Deschênes, M-F., Charlin, B., Akremi, H., Lecours, L., Moussa, A., Jobin, V. & Fernandez, N.
Preliminary Validation of a Clinical Reasoning Theory-Based Assessment Rubric: An e-Delphi Study. Deschênes, M-F, Dionne, É. & Robert-Boluda, L.
Enhanced train-the-trainer program for registered nurses and social workers to apply the founding principles of primary care in their practice: a pre-post study. Poitras, M-E., Couturier, Y., Doucet, E, T Vaillancourt, V., Gauthier, G., Poirier, MD., Massé, S., Hudon, C., Delli-Colli, N., Gagnon, D., Careau, E., Duhoux, A., Gaboury, I., Berbiche, D., Ben Charif, A., Ashcroft, R., Lukewich, J., Ramond-Roquin, A., Beaupré, P. & Morin, A.
Post-COVID-19 condition symptoms among emergency department patients tested for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Archambault, P.M., Rosychuk, R.J., Audet, M. (…) Vissandjée, B. et al.
Validation d’un outil de communication interprofessionnelle pour les infirmières de première ligne. Karam, M., Gaulin, C., *Maaroufi, S., & Gervais, S.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Juillet et août 2024
How to Design Effective Audit and Feedback Interventions With Nurses: A Set of Hypotheses Based on Qualitative and Quantitative Evidence. Dufour, E & Duhoux, A.
The black box of the relationship between breast cancer patients and accompanying patients: the accompanied patients' point of view. Pomey, M-P., Iliescu Nelea, M., Vialaron, C., Normandin, L., Côté, M-A., Desforges, M., Pomey-Carpentier, P., Adjtoutah, N., Fortin, I., Ganache, I., Régis, C., Rosberger, Z., Charpentier, D., Bélanger, L., Dorval, M., Ghadiri ,D-P., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Boivin, A., Pelletier, J-F., Fernandez, N., Danino, A M., de Guise M.
Personalized Citizen Assistance for Social Participation (APIC) adapted for older adults with visual impairment: results from a mixed study. Pigeon, C., Renaud, J., Couturie,r Y., Giroux, D., Sévigny, A., Levert, M-J. & Levasseur M.
Association Between EHR Compatibility and Nurses' Emotional Exhaustion. Maillet, É., Currie, L M., Strudwick, G & Dubé, V.
Development and Testing of an Instrument to Measure the Impact of EHR Use on Quality of Care.Maillet, É., Currie, L M., Strudwick, G. & Dubé, V.
Health promotion nursing interventions for female breast cancer survivors: A scoping review.Torabi, P., Chouinard, M-C., Sévigny, M-M. & Bilodeau, K.
A dimensional analysis of experienced intensive care unit nurses' clinical decision-making for bleeding after cardiac surgery. Lavoie, P., Arbour, C., Blanchet-Garneau, A., Côté, J., *Crétaz, M., Denault, A., Gosselin, É., *Lapierre, A., Mailhot, T. & Tessier V.
Factors Influencing the Acceptance or Rejection of Dietary and Body Norm Systems Favorable to the Prevention and Control of Type 2 Diabetes Among Sub-Saharan Africa migrants: A Scoping Review. Ntanda, GM., Sia, D, Beogo, I., Baillot, A., Tchouaket Nguemeleu, E., Merry, L., Ramdé, J., Pinchinat Jean-Charles, K. & Philibert, L.
A world-wide study on delirium assessments and presence of protocols. Nydahl, P., Liu, K., Bellelli, G., Benbenishty, J., van den Boogaard, M., Caplan, G., Chung, CR., Elhadi, M., Gurjar, M., Heras-La Calle, G., Hoffmann, M., Jeitziner, M-M., Krewulak, K, Mailhot, T., Morandi, A., Nawa, R K., Oh, E S., Collet, MO., Paulino, MC., Lindroth, H., von Haken, R. & WDAD Study Group.
Modulation of brain activity in brain-injured patients with a disorder of consciousness in intensive care with repeated 10-Hz transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS): a randomised controlled trial protocol. De Koninck, BP., Brazeau, D., Deshaies, AA. , Briand, M-M., Maschke, C., Williams, V., Arbour, C., Williamson, D., Duclos, C., Bernard, F., Blain-Moraes, S. & De Beaumont, L.
Knowledge and practices of youth awareness on death and dying in school settings: a systematic scoping review protocol. Allard, E., *Coupat, C., Lessard, S., Therrien, N., Godard-Sebillotte, C., Létourneau, D., Nguyen, O., Côté, A., Fortin, G., Daneault, S., Soulières, M.,Le Gall, J. & Fortin, S.
Discrimination and Racial Inequities in Self-reported Mental Health Among Immigrants and Canadian-Born Individuals in a Large, Nationally Representative Canadian Survey. Kenny, K.S., Wanigaratne, S., Merry, L., Siddiq,i A. & Urquia M.L.
Development and Content Validation of the Communication, Organization, and Intrafamilial Beliefs in Neonatology Scale for Family Resilience in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. *Laporte, G., Gelinas, C., Genest C. & Aita M.
Supporting the return to work of breast cancer survivors: perspectives from Canadian employer representatives. Bilodeau, K.; Gouin, M.-M., Fadhlaoui, A. & Porro, B.
The CONECT-6 case-finding tool to identify patients with complex needs: A few tips to promote understanding. Angrignon-Girouard, E., Schwarz, C., Howse, D., Aubrey, K., Bisson, M., Chouinard, M.-C., Dickinson, L., Doucet, S., Dubois, M.-F., Dumont-Samson, O. & Hudon C.
Cerebral Gray Matter May Not Explain Sleep Slow-Wave Characteristics after Severe Brain Injury. Kalantari, N., Daneault, V., Blais, H., André, C., Sanchez, E., Lina, J.-M., Arbour, C., Gilbert, D., Carrier, J. & Gosselin, N.
Social justice in Canadian nursing professional documents: A Foucauldian discourse analysis.Slemon, A., Wonsiak, T., * Delli Colli, A.-R., Blanchet Garneau, A., Varcoe, C.& Bungay V.
Transition from the neonatal unit to home: Parents' educational needs to promote their psychological well-being and sleep quality. Lebel, V., Aita, M., Landry, I., Martel, M.-J. & Hamel-Hilareguy, P.
Case management in primary healthcare for people with complex needs to improve integrated care: a large-scale implementation study protocol. Hudon, C., Chouinard, M-C., Doucet, S., Piccinini-Vallis, H., Fairman, K, Sampalli, T., Zed, J., Brodeur, M., Chênevert, D., Dépelteau, A., Dupont, M., Karam, M., Légaré, F., Luke, A., Macdonald, M., Morvannou, A., Ramsden, VR., Rodriguez Del Barrio, L., Wong, ST., Lambert, M., Bisson, M., Schwarz, C., Benoit, R., Poirier, MD., Rock-Hervieux, AL., Rubenstein, D. & Wilhelm, L.
Integrating gender analysis into research: reflections from the Gender-Net Plus workshop. Cederroth, CR., Earp, BD, Gómez Prada, HC., Jarach, CM., Lir, SA., Norris, CM., Pilote, L., Raparelli, V., Rochon, P., Sahraoui, N., Simmon, C., Vissandjee, B., Mour, C., Arbogast, M., Armengol, JM. & Mason R.
Raising nurse educators' awareness regarding caring pedagogical relationships' barriers to foster inclusive simulation settings: Insights from a phenomenological study. Ben-Ahmed, HE, Cara, C & Brousseau, S.
Mental Health Crisis: An Evolutionary Concept Analysis. *Hudson, E, Pariseau-Legault, P, *Cassivi, C, Chouinard, C & Goulet, M-H.
Signification du processus réflexif lors du travail de fin d’études (TFE) / mémoire de fin d’études (MFE) d’étudiants en soins infirmiers français de premier cycle. *Tanda, N., Alderson, M., Soyer, L. et Cara, C.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Juin 2024
Récit de pratique sur l’adaptation et sur l’utilisation d’un dispositif de formation au jugement évaluatif basé sur la concordance. Deschênes, M.-F., Dionne, É. & Dorion, M.
De-implementation to reduce coercive practices in mental health care. * Sergerie-Richard, S., Goulet, MH., Dumais, A., Hinse, C. & Fontaine, G.
Integrated self-management support provided by primary care nurses to persons with chronic diseases and common mental disorders: a qualitative study. Beaudin, J., Chouinard, MC., Hudon, É., & Hudon, C.
Dilemmas of intervention: From person-centred to alienation-centred dementia care. Leibing, A. & Katz, S.
Qualitative study of forensic psychiatric nurses' experiences of delayed decisions on involuntary treatment. Paradis-Gagné, E.
Les apports méthodologiques et théoriques de l'analyse critique du discours pour la recherche en sciences infirmières. Paradis-Gagné, E. & Domingue, JL.
Au-delà des obstacles : plonger au cœur des interventions favorisant l'implication des proches aux soins intensifs. Proulx, A., Arbour, C. & Pomey, MP.
Des modèles pour concevoir la pratique infirmière pour la sante : quels apports a la pratique et la discipline infirmières ? Leclerc-Loiselle, J., Gendron, S. & Daneault S.
Beyond stages: Comment on Tan et al. (2024) 'Stages of readiness for advance care planning: Systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence rates and associated factors'. *Coupat, C. & Allard, E.
Prolonged pain in premature neonates hospitalised in neonatal intensive care units: A scoping review. * Breton-Piette, A.; De Clifford-Faugère, G. & Aita, M.
Cultivating Comfort: Examining Participant Satisfaction with Hypnotic Communication Training in Pain Management. Cardinal, E., Bilodeau, K., Lebeau, J., Aubin, M., Guine, J., Dutey-Harispe, O., Delage, J., Caron-Trahan, R., Veronneau, J., Landry, M. & Ogez, D.
Nursing Students’ Perspectives on Caring Pedagogical Relationship within the Context of Simulation: A Phenomenological Inquiry. *Ben Ahmed, H., Cara, C. et Brousseau, S.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Mai 2024
Nurse managers' contribution to the implementation of the enhanced recovery after surgery approach: A qualitative study. *Vermeulen, L., Duhoux, A. & Karam, M.
Exploring Social Interactions in the Context of Justice System Involvement: Perspectives of Patients and Psychiatric Nurses. Paradis-Gagné, E., *Cader, M., Holmes, D., Bernheim, E. & Filion, J.
At the Epicentre of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada: Experiences and Recommendations of Family Care Partners of an Older Person Living in a Long-Term Care Home. Bourbonnais, A., Lachance, G., Baumbusch, J., Hsu, A., Daneau, S. & Macaulay, S.
Nursing leaders' perceptions of the impact of the Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership program three months post training. Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Boies, K., Clausen, C., Frechette, J., Manning, K., Gelsomini, C., Cyr, G., Lavigne, G., Gottlieb, B. & Gottlieb, L.N.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of a Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership program aimed at building leadership capacity: A concurrent mixed-methods study. Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Boies, K., Clausen, C., Frechette, J., Manning, K., Gelsomini, C., Cyr, G., Lavigne, G., Gottlieb, B., Gottlieb, L.N.
Prioritizing chronic pain self-management amid coexisting chronic illnesses: An exploratory qualitative study. Moore-Bouchard, C., Martel, M-E., Develay, E., Côté, J., Durand, M. & Page, M-G.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Avril 2024
Use of actigraphy for monitoring agitation and rest-activity cycles in patients with acute traumatic brain injury in the ICU. Saavedra-Mitjans, M., Van der Maren, S., Gosselin, N., Duclos, C., Frenette, A.J., Arbour, C., Burry, L., Williams, V., Bernard, F. & Williamson, D.R.
Digital Interventions for Recreational Cannabis Use Among Young Adults: Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Behavior Change Technique Analysis of Randomized Controlled Studies. Côté, J., *Chicoine, G., *Vinette, B., Auger, P., Rouleau, G., Fontaine, G.& Jutras-Aswad, D.
The Involvement of Caregivers in the End-of-life Care of an Older Adult Living in a Long-term Care Home: A Qualitative Case Study with Nurses and Relatives. *Auclair, I. & Bourbonnais, A.
Non-pharmacological interventions for sleep disruptions and fatigue after traumatic brain injury: a scoping review. Gervais, C., Hjeij, D., Fernandez-Puerta, L. & Arbour, C.
Quality of palliative and end-of-life care: a quantitative study of temporal trends and differences according to illness trajectories in Quebec (Canada). Duhoux, A., Allard, E., Hamel, D., Sasseville, M., Dumaine, S., Gabet, M. & Guertin, M.-H.
Birth and postnatal outcomes among infants of immigrant parents of different admission categories and parents born in Canada: a population-based retrospective study. Yang, S., Shapiro, G.D., Ng, E., Vissandjée, B. & Vang, Z.M.
Preferences of Young Adults With Psychosis for Cannabis-Focused Harm Reduction Interventions: A Cross-Sectional Study: Preferences des jeunes adultes souffrant de psychose pour les interventions de reduction des mefaits axees sur le cannabis : une etude transversale. Coronado-Montoya, S., Abdel-Baki, A., Crockford, D., Côté, J., Dubreucq, S., Dyachenko, A., Fischer, B., Lecomte, T., L'Heureux, S., Ouellet-Plamondon, C., Roy, M.-A., Tibbo, P., Villeneuve, M. & Jutras-Aswad, D.
Perspectives of family caregivers and nurses on hospital discharge transitional care for Muslim older adults living with COPD: a qualitative study. Jehloh, L., Songwathana, P., Kitrungrote, L. & Bourbonnais, A.
Emergency department care experience of suicidal patients: A qualitative analysis of patients' perspectives. Brousseau-Paradis, C., Genest, C., Maltais, N., Séguin, M.& Rassy, J.
L’oculométrie pour examiner l’attention d’infirmiers et d’infirmières lors de simulations d’arrêt cardiorespiratoire : une étude de faisabilité et d’acceptabilité. Lavoie, P., *Lapierre, A., *Khetir, I., Doherty, A., Thibodeau-Jarry, N., Rousseau-Saine, N., *Benhannache, R., *Crétaz, M. & Mailhot, T.
Advancing Virtual Simulation in Education: Administrators’ Experiences. Verkuyl, M., Harder, N., Southam, T., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Ellis, W., Kahler, D., & Atack, L.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Mars 2024
Nurses' perceptions about neonatal intensive care units providing family-centered care are associated with skin-to-skin contact implementation. Aita, M., De Clifford-Faugère, G., Laporte, G., Colson, S. & Feeley, N.
Clinical practice guideline recommendations to improve the mental health of adult trauma patients: protocol for a systematic review. Bérubé, M., Bradley. N., O'Donnell. M., Stelfox, HT., Garraway, N., Vasiliadis, HM., Turcotte, V., Perreault, M., Menear, M., Archambault, L., Haagsma, J., Provencher, H., Genest, C., Gagnon, MA., Bourque, L., Lapierre, A., Khalfi, A. & Panenka, W.
Nursing activities for health promotion in palliative home care: an integrative review.*Leclerc-Loiselle, J., Gendron, S. & Daneault, S.
Interprofessional teams with and without nurse practitioners and the level of adherence to best practice guidelines in cardiac surgery: A retrospective study.Audet, L-A., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Tchouaket, É. & Kilpatrick, K.
Management of Procedural Pain and Anxiety in Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Scoping Review. Leblanc, L., Genest, C., Villemaire, J., Dodin, P. & Gauvin-Lepage J.
Development of a Measure of Adherence to Best Practice Guidelines by Interprofessional Teams with Nurse Practitioners in the Cardiac Surgery Setting. Audet, L-A., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Tchouaket, E. & Kilpatrick, K.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Février 2024
How can strategies based on performance measurement and feedback support changes in nursing practice? A theoretical reflection drawing on Habermas' social perspective. *Dufour, E., Duhoux A.
Fostering collective leadership to improve integrated primary care: lessons learned from the PriCARE program. Hudon, C., Lambert, M., Aubrey-Bassler, K., Chouinard, M-C., Doucet, S., Ramsden, V R., Zed, J., Luke, A., Bisson, M., Howse, D., Schwarz, C., Rubenstein, D., Taylor J.
Learning to provide humanistic care and support in the context of chronic illness: Insights from the narratives of healthcare professionals in hemato-oncology. Bilodeau, K., Henriksen, C., Aloisio Alves, C., Piché, L., Pepin, J., Lee, V., Vachon, M-F., Folch, N., Pomey, M-P., Fernandez N.
Exploring Shared Implementation Leadership of Point of Care Nursing Leadership Teams on Inpatient Hospital Units: Protocol for a Collective Case Study. Castiglione, S-A., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Kilpatrick. K., Gifford, W., Semenic, S-E.
Informal coercion in inpatient mental healthcare: a scoping review protocol. *Billé. V., *Lessard-Deschênes, C., *Sergerie-Richard, S., Désilets, M., Tansey, J., Goulet, M-H.
Clinical relevance of transcranial Doppler in a cardiac surgery setting: embolic load predicts difficult separation from cardiopulmonary bypass. Jarry, S., Couture, E-J., Beaubien-Souligny, W., Fernandes, A., Fortier, A., Ben-Ali, W., Desjardins, G., Huard, K., Mailhot, T., Denault, A-Y.
Physicians' beliefs and perceived importance of traumatic brain injury-associated agitation in critically ill patients: a survey of Canadian intensivists. Saavedra-Mitjans, M., Frenette, A-J., McCredie, V-A., Burry, L., Arbour, C., Mehta, S., Charbonney, E., Wang, H-T., Albert, M., Bernard, F., Williamson, D.
Facilitated engagement approach: A novel approach to guide mentor conversations. Durrant, M., Oliver, C., Gottlieb, L., Frechette, J., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., & Cyr, G.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Janvier 2024
Implanter des cliniques infirmières : par où commencer ? L’archevêque, K., Cardinal, E. & Dubois, S.
La gestion des soins infirmiers, l’éthique et la détresse morale des infirmières : comment agir? Dubois, S., & Carnevale, F.
Topical anesthetics for needle-related pain in adults and children (TOPIC): a mini-review. Le May, S., Wu, W, Francoeur, M., Dodin, P., Doyon-Trottier, E., Hung, N., Guingo, E., Vu, A-K., Sylfra, A., Lessard, L., Cara-Slavich, S., DeKoven, K.
Integrating accompanying patients into clinical oncology teams: limiting and facilitating factors. Pomey, M-P., Paquette, J., Nelea, M-I., Vialaron, C., Mourad, R., Bouchard, K., Normandin, L., Côté, M-A., Desforges, M., Pomey-Carpentier, P., Fortin, I., Ganache, I., Regis, C., Rosberger, Z., Charpentier, D., Vachon, M-F., Belanger, L., Dorval, M., Ghadiri, D-P., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Boivin, A., Pelletier, J-F., Fernandez, N., Danino, A-M., de Guise, M.
Cross-Sector Collaboration to Improve Access to Community Services for People Living With Diabetes: Contributions From Actor-Network Theory. Layani, G., Tremblay, A., Lussier, M-T., Godbout, I., Bihan, H., Gosselin, C., Pierre, M., Motulsky, A., Brault, I., Rodrigues, I., Kaczorowski, J., Vanier, M-C., Yapi, S-M.
AI maturity in health care: An overview of 10 OECD countries. Castonguay, A., Wagner, G., Motulsky, A., Paré, G.
Virtual simulation in healthcare education: a multi-professional, pan-Canadian evaluation. Verkuyl, M., Violato, E., Harder, N., Southam, T., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Goldsworthy, S., Ellis, W., Campbell, S-H., Atack, L.
Current practices for assessing clinical judgment in nursing students and new graduates: A scoping review. Bussard, M-E., Jessee, M-A., El-Banna, M-M., Cantrell, M-A., Alrimawi, I., Marchi, N-M., Gonzalez, L-I., Rischer, K., Coy, M-L., Poledna, M., Lavoie P.
The Judiciarization of People Living with Mental Illness: A Grounded Theory on the Perceptions of Persons Involuntary Admitted in Psychiatric Institution. Paradis-Gagné, E., Holmes, D., Bernheim, E., Cader, M.
Nursing students' engagement in virtual reality and hybrid simulations: A quasi-experimental study. Lavoie, P., Lapierre, A.*, Maheu-Cadotte, M.A., Brien, L.A., Ledoux, I. et Gosselin, E.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Décembre 2023
Evaluation of a Cannabis Harm Reduction Intervention for People with First-Episode Psychosis: Protocol for a Pilot Multicentric Randomized Trial. Coronado-Montoya, S., Abdel-Baki, A., Côté, J., Crockford, D., Dubreucq, S., Fischer, B., Lachance-Touchette, P., Lecomte, T., L'Heureux, S., Ouellet-Plamondon, C., Roy, M-A., Tatar, O., Tibbo, P., Villeneuve, M., Wittevrongel, A., Jutras-Aswad, D.
Transformation and Articulation of Clinical Data to Understand Students' and Health Professionals' Clinical Reasoning: Protocol for a Scoping Review. Deschênes, M-F, Fernandez, N., Lechasseur, K., Caty, M-E., Azimzadeh, D., Mai, T-C., Lavoie, P.
Co-designing a Canadian adaptation of a lifestyle-oriented intervention aimed to improve daily functioning of individuals living with chronic pain: a multi-method study protocol of REVEAL(OT) Canada. Masse, J., Nielsen, S.S., Christensen, J.R., Skou, S.T., Côté, J., Saunders, S., Lagueux, E., Boulanger, A., Perez-Martinez, J., Lussier, M., Pagé, M.G.
Taxonomy of advanced access practice profiles among family physicians, nurse practitioners and nurses in university-affiliated team-based primary healthcare clinics in Quebec. Breton, M., Deville-Stoetzel, N., Gaboury, I., Duhoux, A., Maillet, L., Abou Malham, S., Hudon, C., Vedel, I., Légaré, F., Berbiche, D., Touati, N.
Introducing the “AI Language Models in Health Care” Section: Actionable Strategies for Targeted and Wide-Scale Deployment. Castonguay, A., Lovis, C.
White privilege and professionalization: a decolonial and critical feminist perspective on professional nursing. Stake-Doucet, N.
La gestion de la déambulation des aînés en centre d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée au moyen d'une approche de soins centrés sur la personne : une revue intégrative des écrits. *Addie Kenmeugne, T. Y., Dubé, V.
L’expérience de transitions de conjoints-aidants d’une personne vivant avec un trouble neurocognitif à début précoce. *Ahmed-Shire, L., Dubé, V., Bellemare, D.
Les interventions éducatives visant à réduire le recours aux contentions physiques auprès des personnes âgées : une synthèse critique des écrits. *Bouheraoua, S., Dubé, V.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Novembre 2023
Effects of pharmacogenetic profiles on pediatric pain relief and adverse events with ibuprofen and oxycodone. Ali, S., Yukseloglu, A., Ross, C.J., Rosychuk, R.J., Drendel, A.L., Manaloor, R., Johnson, D.W., Le May, S., Carleton B.
Clinical and Organizational Nursing Innovations in Primary Care: Findings From a Stakeholders' Symposium. Duhoux, A., Rioux-Dubois, A., Poitras, M-E., Lazarovici, M, Gabet, M, Dufour, E.
Effects of a Virtual Reality Game on Children's Anxiety During Dental Procedures (VR-TOOTH): Protocol for a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Wu, W., Le May, S., Hung, N., Fortin, O., Genest, C., Francoeur, M., Guingo, E., *St-Arneault, K., Sylfra, A., Vu, A.K., Carmel, J., Lessard, L., Cara-Slavich, S., De Koven, K., Paquette, J., Hoffman, H., Asselin, M-E.
Commentary: qualitative study of forensic psychiatric nurses' experiences of delayed decisions on involuntary treatment. Paradis-Gagné E.
The prevalence of persistent post-Traumatic headache in adult civilian traumatic brain injury: A systematic review and meta-Analysis on the past 14 years. Herrero Babiloni, A., Bouferguene, Y., Exposto, F.G., Beauregard, R., Lavigne, G-.J., Moana-Filho, E-J., Arbour, C.
Key conditions for the successful implementation of evidence-based practice in concurrent disorder nursing care with the ECHO® model: Insights from a mixed-methods study. *Chicoine, G., Côté, J., Pepin, J., Pluye, P., Jutras-Aswad, D.
Cocréation d’un modèle logique dans une démarche d’amélioration continue: le cas du Strength-Based Nursing. Primeau, M-D., Clausen, C., Lavoie-Tremblay, M.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Octobre 2023
Self-reported tick exposure as an indicator of Lyme disease risk in an endemic region of Quebec, Canada. Bowser N., Bouchard C., Sautié Castellanos M., Baron G., Carabin H., Chuard P., Leighton P., Milord F., Richard L., Savage J., Tardy O., Aenishaenslin C.
L’idée des capabilités de Sen pour concevoir l’agir complexe de la pratique infirmière. Leclerc-Loiselle, J., Gendron, S., Daneault, S.
Scoring Methods in Script Concordance Tests: An Exploratory Psychometric Study. Deschênes, M.-F., Maheu-Cadotte, M.-A., Fontaine, G. et Dionne, É.
Pre-post analysis of the impact of British Columbia nurse practitioner primary care clinics on patient health and care experience. Contandriopoulos D., Bertoni K., Duhoux A., Randhawa GK.
Stakeholders' perceptions of a nurse-led telehealth case management intervention in primary care for patients with complex care needs: a qualitative descriptive study. Delahunty-Pike A., Lambert M., Schwarz C., Howse D., Bisson M., Aubrey-Bassler K., Burge F., Chouinard M.-C., Doucet S., Luke A., Macdonald M., Zed J., Taylor J., Hudon C.
Using Immersive Virtual Reality Distraction to Reduce Fear and Anxiety before Surgery. Flores A., Hoffman H.-G., Navarro-Haro M.-V., Garcia-Palacios A., Atzori B., Le May S., Alhalabi W., Sampaio M., Fontenot M.-R., Mason K.-P.
Editorial: Adolescent sexual and reproductive health challenges in low-income settings. Alam N., Merry L., Browne J.-L., Nahar Q.
To die or not to die: manikin death in resuscitation simulation does not impact nursing students' self-efficacy. *Lapierre A, Lavoie P.
Fake kindness, caring and symbolic violence. Contandriopoulos, D., Stake-Doucet, N., Schilling,J.
Portrait des compétences infirmières au Québec. Boyer, L., Pepin, J., Déry, J., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Paquet, M., Bolduc, J., Maheu-Cadotte, M-A., Lavoie, P.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Septembre 2023
Educational strategies used in master's and doctoral nursing education: A scoping review. * Vinette B., *Lapierre A., Lavoie A, *Leclerc-Loiselle J., Charette M., Deschênes M-F.
Revolutionizing nursing education through Ai integration: A reflection on the disruptive impact of ChatGP. Castonguay A., Farthing P., Davies S., Vogelsang L., Kleib M., Risling T., Green N.
At the Epicentre of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada: Experiences and Recommendations of Family Care Partners of an Older Person Living in a Long-Term Care Home. Bourbonnais A., Lachance G., Baumbusch J., Hsu A., Daneau S., Macaulay S.
Fear of Reprisal and Change Agency in the Public Health and Social Service System: Protocol for a Sequential Mixed Methods Study. Carrier A., Bolduc F., Delli-Colli N., Makela F., Hudon A., Caty M-E., Duhoux A., Beaudoin M.
Prevalence and determinants of overweight and obesity among preschool-aged children from migrant and socioeconomically disadvantaged contexts in Montreal, Canada. Woronko C., Merry L., Uckun S., Cuerrier A., Li P., Hille J., Van Hulst A.
Core components of an anti-racist approach among health professions educators: an integrative review. Blanchet Garneau A., Lavoie P., Sit V., Laurent Sédillot C.
Mieux comprendre la relation entre les intervenants et les jeunes adultes vivant avec un trouble concomitant de santé mentale et lié à l’usage de substances : une revue intégrative des écrits. *Sergerie-Richard S., Dupuis F., Cassivi C.
Identifying indicators sensitive to primary healthcare nurse practitioner practice: A review of systematic reviews. Kilpatrick K., Tchouaket E, Savard I, Chouinard M-C, Bouabdillah N, Provost-Bazinet B, Costanzo G, Houle J, St-Louis G, Jabbour M, Atallah R.
Incentivizing an exodus: The implications of recruiting nurses from low-middle income countries to high-income countries. Bortolussi-Courval É., Stake-Doucet N., Umaigba B.
Professional characteristics, attitudes, and practices associated with stress and quality of life among Canadian animal health workers. Denis-Robichaud J., Millar N., Hongoh V., Carabin H., Richard L., Aenishaenslin C.
Examining nursing processes in primary care settings using the Chronic Care Model: an umbrella review. *Dufour E., Bolduc J., *Leclerc-Loiselle J., Charette M., Dufour I., Roy D., Poirier A-A., Duhoux A.
Embedding anti-racism in Schools of Public Health: a pathway to accountability for progress towards equity. Banerjee A-T., Tan A., Boston-Fisher N., Dubois C-A., LaFontaine A., Cloos P., Vissandjee B., Adams J., Hafeez H., Bumba S., Kernisan K., Ferlatte O., Razack S., Edwards M-M., Evans T.
Suicidality and mood disorders in psychiatric emergency patients: Results from SBQ-R. Brousseau-Paradis C., Lesage A., Larue C., Labelle R., Giguère C-É., Rassy J.
Crisis plans in mental health: A scoping review. Cassivi C., *Sergerie-Richard S., Saint-Pierre B., Goulet M-H.
Feasibility and impact assessment of an online simulation focusing on nursing communication in gynecologic oncology sexual health. *Mrad, H., Chouinard, A., Pichette, R., Piché, L., Bilodeau, K.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Juillet et août 2023
Sex and gender differences in healthcare utilisation trajectories: a cohort study among Quebec workers living with chronic pain. Lacasse, A., Nguena Nguefack, H.-L., Page, G., Choinière, M., Samb, O.-M., Katz, J., Ménard, N., Vissandjée, B., Zerriouh, M., TorSaDE Cohort Working.
Réduire le fardeau de l’hépatite C et favoriser la santé des communautés autochtones au moyen d’une pratique infirmière culturellement cohérente : une revue narrative des écrits. *Patrice-Quirion, R., Dubé, V., Merry, L., Caux, C.
Understanding the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the care experiences of people with mental-physical multimorbidity: protocol for a mixed methods study. Menear, M., Duhoux, A., Bédard, M., Paquette, J.-S., Baron, M., Breton, M., Courtemanche, S., Dubé, S., Dufour, S., Fortin, M., Girard, A., Larouche-Côté, É., L'Espérance, A., LeBlanc, A., Poitras, M.-E., Rivet, S., Sasseville, M., Achim, A., Archambault, P., Bajurny, V., Brown, J.-B., Carrier, J.-D., Côté, N., Couturier, Y., Dogba, M.-J., Gagnon, M.-P., Ghio, S.-C., Marshall, E.-G., Kothari, A., Lussier, M.-T., Mair, F.-S., Smith, S., Vachon, B., Wong, S.
Continuing professional development (CPD) system development, implementation, evaluation and sustainability for healthcare professionals in low- and lower-middle-income countries: a rapid scoping review. Merry, L., Castiglione, S.-A., Rouleau, G., Létourneau, D., Larue, C., Deschênes, M.-F., Gonsalves, D.-M., Ahmed, L.
Supporting Reassigned Hospital Staff During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Montreal Region: What Does it say About Leadership Styles? Gautier, L., Gabet, M., Duhoux, A., Traverson, L., Ridde, V., Zinszer, K., David, PM.
Family Resilience as an Emerging Concept in Neonatology: Evidence From a Metasummary Review. *Laporte, G., *Sergerie-Richard, S, Genest C., Aita, M.
Emerging Technologies for Preventing the 'New' Dementia: Ambiguous Optimism in the Canadian Context. Leibing, A., Lazzaroni, C., Petersen, N.
The Role of Islamic Beliefs in Facilitating Acceptance of Cancer Diagnosis. *Benidir, A., Levert, M.-J., Bilodeau, K.
Translation and Cross-cultural Validation of the Canadian Nurse Informatics Competency Assessment Scale for French Canadian Nurses. Frégeau, H., Maillet, L., Marchand, J.-S., Folch, N.
Educational strategies used with postgraduate nursing students: a scoping review. *Vinette, B., *Lapierre, A., *Lavoie, A., Leclerc-Loiselle, J., Charette, M. et Deschênes, M.-F.
Examination of the aggregate scoring method in a professional judgment concordance test. Deschênes, M.-F., Dionne, E., Dorion, M. et Grondin, J.
Continuing professional development (CPD) system development, implementation, evaluation and sustainability for healthcare professionals in low- and lower-middle-income countries: a rapid scoping review. Merry, L., Castiglione, S.-A., Rouleau, G., Létourneau, D., Larue, C., Deschênes, M.-F., Gonsalves, D.-M., Ahmed, L.
Construction et validation d’une échelle de mesure de la professionnalisation des étudiants universitaires en sciences de la santé. Bélisle, M., Heilporn, G., Lavoie, P., Lakhal, S., Lechasseur, K., Fernandez, N., Caty, M-E., Chichekian, T.
A comparison of nurses’ situation awareness and eye-tracking data in pre-cardiac arrest simulations. Lavoie, P., *Lapierre, A., Khetir, I., Doherty, A., Thibodeau-Jarry, N., Rousseau-Saine, N., *Crétaz, M., *Benhannache, R., Mailhot, T.
Nurses and unlicensed assistive personnel’s practices in caring for patients with delirium in acute care settings: Protocol for the PRACTICE Study. Mailhot, T., Crump, L., Leblanc, M-E., Sanzone, L., Alfonso, L. V., Laughrea, E., Oliver, C., Bitzas, V., Clausen, C., Lavoie, P.
Giving a Voice to Nurse Managers and Staff Nurses: A Two-Centres Multi-Method Research Protocol to Optimize Nurses’ Actual Scope of Practice. Déry, J., Paquet, M., Boyer, L., Folch, N., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Lavigne, G.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Juin 2023
Patient engagement in health implementation research: A logic model. Bisson, M., Aubrey-Bassler, K., Chouinard, M.-C., Doucet, S., Ramsden, V.-R., Dumont-Samson, O., Howse, D., Lambert, M., Schwarz, C., Luke, A., Rabbitskin, N., Gaudreau, A., Porter, J., Rubenstein, D., Taylor, J., Warren, M., Hudon, C.
Community treatment orders: A qualitative study of stakeholder perspectives. Goulet, M.-H., *Lessard-Deschênes, C., Pariseau-Legault, P., Breton, R., Crocker, A. G.
Evaluating preferences for online psychological interventions to decrease cannabis use in young adults with psychosis: An observational study. Tatar, O., Abdel-Baki, A., Dyachenko, A., Bakouni, H., Bahremand, A., Tibbo, P. G., Crockford, D., Roy, M.-A., Copeland, J., Fischer, B., Lecomte, T., Côté, J., Ouellet-Plamondon, C., L'Heureux, S., Villeneuve, M., Jutras-Aswad, D.
Refusal of care behaviours among people with major neurocognitive disorder highlight the need for multiple research approaches to account for the complexity of the phenomenon. Daneau, S., * Auclair, I.
Unlicensed assistive personnel's involvement in delivering care to persons with or at risk of delirium: a scoping review protocol. Mailhot, T., Maheu-Cadotte, M.-A., Bourbonnais, A., Yevchak Sillner, A., Charchalis, M., Rodriguez, D., Lavoie, P.
Development and Contribution of a Serious Game to Improve Nursing Students' Clinical Reasoning in Acute Heart Failure: A Multimethod Study. Maheu-Cadotte, M.-A., Dubé, V., Lavoie, P.
Embedding anti-racism in Schools of Public Health: a pathway to accountability for progress towards equity. Banerjee, AT., Tan, A., Boston-Fisher, N., Dubois, C. A., LaFontaine, A., Cloos, P., Vissandjee, B., Adams, J., Hafeez, H., Bumba, S., Kernisan, K., Ferlatte, O., Razack, S., Edwards, M.-M., Evans, T.
Conceptions d’enseignants au regard de la professionnalisation des étudiants dans des programmes universitaires en santé. Bélisle, M., Lechasseur, K., Jean, V., Boyer, L., Goudreau, J., Fernandez, N., Lavoie, P., Bastidas, P., Bélanger, M., Leclerc, G.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Mai 2023
Evaluation of an interprofessional primary healthcare team as a new model of primary care in Quebec: a protocol for a type 2 effectiveness-implementation hybrid study. Côté, N., Frikha, Y., Freeman, A., Cortez, Ghio, S., Laberge, M., Isabelle, M., Duhoux, A., Denis, JL., Jean, E., Binette, S.
Hospital Governance During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multiple-Country Case Study. Gautier, L., Noda, S., Chabrol, F., David, PM., Duhoux, A., Hou, R., Rosana de Araújo Oliveira, S., Traverson, L., Zinszer, K., Ridde, V.
Canada's Aging Federal Prison Population: Health Disparity, Risk, and Compassionate Release for Persons Convicted of Sexual Offenses. Johansson, J.-A., Holmes, D., Paradis-Gagné, E.
To die or not to die: manikin death in resuscitation simulation does not impact nursing students' self-efficacy. *Lapierre, A., Lavoie, P.
Suicidality and mood disorders in psychiatric emergency patients: Results from SBQ-R. Brousseau-Paradis, C., Lesage, A., Larue, C., Labelle, R., Giguère, CÉ., Rassy, J.; with the collaboration of the Signature Consortium.
The perspectives of homeless people using the services of a mobile health clinic in relation to their health needs: a qualitative study on community-based outreach nursing. Paradis-Gagné, E., Jacques, MC., Pariseau-Legault, P., Ben Ahmed, HE., Stroe, IR.
Religion, support and self-care experiences: A qualitative descriptive study with Indonesian adults with the chronic disease living in Montreal, Canada. *Lukman, N.-A., Merry, L.
Acceptability and Feasibility of a Patient-Oriented Music Intervention to Reduce Pain in the Intensive Care Unit: Protocol for a Crossover Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Richard-Lalonde, M., Feeley, N., Cossette, S., Chlan, LL., Gélinas, C.
L’accompagnement infirmier personnalisé aux besoins des jeunes hommes atteints d’un cancer. *El-Akhras, A., Bilodeau, K.
'Intensive palliative care': a qualitative study of issues related to nurses' care of people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis at end-of-life. Daneau, S., Bourbonnais, A., Allard, É., Asri, M., Ummel, D., Bolduc, E.
Canada's Aging Federal Prison Population: Health Disparity, Risk, and Compassionate Release for Persons Convicted of Sexual Offenses. Johansson, J.-Az., Holmes, D., Paradis-Gagné, E.
Development, evaluation and adaptation of a critical realism informed theory of procedural pain management in preterm infants: The PAIN-Neo. *De Clifford-Faugère, G., Aita, M., Arbour, C., Colson, S.
What can Designing Learning-by-Concordance Clinical Reasoning Cases Teach Us about Instruction in the Health Sciences? Fernandez, N., Deschênes, M.-F., Akremi, H., Lecours, L., Jobin, V et Charlin, B.
Integrating Accompanying Patients into Clinical Oncology Teams: Limiting and Facilitating Factors. Pomey, M. P., Paquette, J., Nelea, M. I., Vialaron, C., Mourad, R., Bouchard, K., …Lavoie-Tremblay, M., de Guise, M.
Nursing students reported more positive emotions about training during Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) after using a virtual simulation paired with an in-person simulation. Harley, J.M., Bilgic, E., Lau, C., Gorgy, A., Marchand, H., Lajoie, S. P., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Fried, G.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Avril 2023
How did an integrated health and social services center in the Quebec Province respond to the COVID-19 pandemic? A qualitative case study. Gabet, M., Duhoux, A., Ridde, V., Zinszer, K., Gautier, L., David, P.-M.
Feedback on clinical team performance: how does it work, in what contexts, for whom, and for what changes? A critical realist qualitative multiple case study. *Rapin, J., Gendron, S., Mabire, C., Dubois, C.-A.
Transnational prenatal care among migrant women from low-and-middle-income countries who gave birth in Montreal, Canada. Merry, L., Kim, Y.-N., Urquia, M. L., Goulet, J., Villadsen, S.-F., Gagnon, A.
Crisis plans in mental health: A scoping review. Cassivi, C., *Sergerie-Richard, S., Saint-Pierre, B., Goulet, M.-H.
An exploratory cross-sectional study of the effects of ongoing relationships with accompanying patients on cancer care experience, self-efficacy, and psychological distress. Pomey, M.-P., Nelea, M.-I., Normandin, L., Vialaron, C., Bouchard, K., Côté, M.-A., Duarte, M.-A.-R., Ghadiri, D.-P., Fortin, I., Charpentier, D., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Fernandez, N., Boivin, A., Dorval, M., Desforges, M., Régis, C., Ganache, I., Bélanger, L., Rosberger, Z., Danino, M.-A., Pelletier, J.-F., Vu, T. T. T., De Guise, M.
Implementation analysis of a case management intervention for people with complex care needs in primary care: a multiple case study across Canada. Hudon, C., Bisson, M., Chouinard, M.-C., Delahunty-Pike, A., Lambert, M., Howse, D., Schwarz, C., Dumont-Samson, O., Aubrey-Bassler, K., Burge, F., Doucet, S., Ramsden, V.-R., Luke, A., Macdonald, M., Gaudreau, A., Porter, J., Rubenstein, D., Scott, C., Warren, M., Wilhelm, L.
Integrated case management between primary care clinics and hospitals for people with complex needs who frequently use healthcare services: A multiple-case embedded study. Hudon, C., Chouinard, M.-C., Dumont-Samson, O., Gobeil-Lavoie, A.-P., Morneau, J., Paradis, M., Couturier, Y., Poitras, M.-E., Poder, T., Sabourin, V., Lambert, M.
Adapting Hospital Work During COVID-19 in Quebec (Canada). David, P.-M., Gabet, M., Duhoux, A., Traverson, L., Ridde, V., Zinszer, K., Gautier, L.
Children and adolescents' mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study of their experiences. Montreuil, M., Gendron-Cloutier, L., Laberge-Perrault, E., Piché, G., Genest, C., Rassy, J., Malboeuf-Hurtubise, C., Gilbert, E., Bogossian, A., Camden, C., Mastine, T., Barbo, G.
Measurement properties of self-reported clinical decision-making instruments in nursing: A COSMIN systematic review Lavoie, P., *Lapierre, A., Maheu-Cadotte, M.-A., Desforges J., Crétaz, M., Mailhot, T.
The Relational Virtual Nursing Practice Model: A Web-Based Nursing Intervention. Rouleau, G., Richard, L., Côté, J., Ramirez-Garcia, M.-P.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Mars 2023
How did an integrated health and social services center in the Quebec Province respond to the COVID-19 pandemic? A qualitative case study. Gabet, M., Duhoux, A., Ridde, V., Zinszer, K., Gautier, L., David, P.-M.
The relational virtual nursing practice model: A Web-Based Nursing Intervention. Rouleau, G., Richard, L., Côté, J., Ramirez-Garcia, M.-P.
A feasibility study of psychological first aid as a supportive intervention among police officers exposed to traumatic events. Geoffrion, S., Leduc, M.-P., Bourgouin, E., Bellemare, F., Arenzon, V., Genest, C.
Canada's aging federal prison population: Health disparity, risk, and compassionate release for persons convicted of sexual offenses. Johansson, J.-A., Holmes, D., Paradis-Gagné, E.
Optimizing the aging brain: the BEAD study on the ethics of dementia prevention. Andreoletti, M., Lazzaroni, C., Petersen, N., Segawa, S., Leibing, A., Schicktanz, S., Blasimme, A.
The experience of pregnant women in contexts of vulnerability of prenatal primary nursing care: a descriptive interpretative qualitative study. Hudon, É., Chouinard, M.-C., Ellefsen, É., Beaudin, J., Hudon, C.
Unlicensed assistive personnel's care for persons with or at risk of delirium: a scoping review protocol. Mailhot, T., Maheu-Cadotte, M.-A., Bourbonnais, A., Yevchak Sillner, A., Charchalis, M., Rodriguez, D., Lavoie, P.
The level of adherence to best-practice guidelines by interprofessional teams with and without acute care nurse practitioners in cardiac surgery: A study protocol. Audet, L.-A., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Tchouaket, É., Kilpatrick, K.
Components of Professional Practice Models. Wolf, Z.-R., Cara, C., Bernard, N., Turkel, M., Drenkard, K.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Février 2023
Nursing care coordination in primary healthcare for patients with complex needs: a comparative case Study. Karam, M., Chouinard, M.-C., Couturier, Y., Vedel I, Hudon, C.
Educational strategies supporting the development of ethical competence among nursing students: an integrative review. Lechasseur, K. Hegg, S, Mbemba, G.I.C, Caux, C., Maltais, C.
The influence of the simulation environment on teamwork and cognitive load in novice trauma professionals at the emergency department: Piloting a randomized controlled trial. * Lapierre, A., Lavoie, P., Castonguay, V., Lonergan, A.-M., Arbour, C.
Comparing the implementation of advanced access strategies among primary health care providers. Breton, M., Deville-Stoetzel, N., Gaboury, I., Duhoux, A., Maillet, L., Abou Malham, S., Légaré, F., Vedel, I., Hudon, C., Touati, N., Jbilou, J., Loignon, C., Lussier, M.-T.
Multicentre implementation of a nursing competency framework at a provincial scale: A qualitative description of facilitators and barriers. Lavoie, P., Boyer, L., Pepin, J., Déry, J., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Paquet, M., Bolduc, J.
Structuring and organizing interprofessional healthcare in partnership with patients with diabetes: the INterprofessional Management and Education in Diabetes care (INMED) pathway. Layani, G., Vachon, B., Duhoux, A., Lussier, M.-T., Gil, J., Brault, I., Vanier, M.-C., Rodrigues, I., Motulsky, A., Kaczorowski, J., David, P.-M., Battaglini, A.
Nurse preceptors' experiences of an online strength-based nursing course in clinical teaching. Arnaert, A., Di Feo, M., Wagner, M., Primeau, G., Aubé, T., Constantinescu, A., Lavoie-Tremblay, M.
The integration of accompanying patients into clinical teams in oncology: Perceptions of accompanying patients and nurses Ferville, A.-M., Bilodeau, K., Iliescu Nelea, M., Pomey, M.-P.
Evaluating the implementation of a referral system for virtual pharmacy counselling in a province-wide nurse phone line. Motulsky, A., Gautier, L., Moreault. M.-P., Badr, J., Liang, M.-Q., Davy, A., Duhoux, A., Lussier, M.-T.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Janvier 2023
Evaluating the implementation of a referral system for virtual pharmacy counselling in a province-wide nurse phone line. Motulsky, A., Gautier, L., Moreault, MP., Badr, J., Liang, MQ., Davy, A., Duhoux, A., Lussier, M.-T.
Accompanying patients in clinical oncology teams: Reported activities and perceived effects. Pomey, MP., Paquette, J., Iliescu-Nelea, M., Vialaron, C., Mourad, R., Bouchard, K., Normandin, L., Côté, MA., Desforges, M., Pomey-Carpentier, P., Fortin, I., Ganache, I., Régis, C., Rosberger, Z., Charpentier, D., Bélanger, L., Dorval, M., Ghadiri, DP., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Boivin, A., Pelletier, J.-F., Fernandez, N., Danino, A.-M., de Guise, M.
Intervenir contre le gré du patient : médication pro re nata et vécu phénoménologique du personnel infirmier exerçant en milieu psycholégal. Seyer-Forget, C., Holmes, D., Jacob, J.-D., Bernheim, E., Paradis-Gagné, É.
Effect of autogenic training on quality of life and symptoms in people living with HIV: A mixed method randomized controlled trial. Ramirez Garcia, M.-P., *Leclerc-Loiselle, J., Côté, J., Brouillette, M.-J., Thomas, R.
Delirium superimposed on dementia in post-acute care: Nurse documentation of symptoms and interventions. Sillner, AY., Berish, D., Mailhot, T., Sweeder, L., Fick, D.-M., Kolanowski, A.-M.
Perceptions of mobile and acute healthcare services among people experiencing homelessness. Paradis-Gagné, E., *Kaszap, M., Ben Ahmed, H.-E., Pariseau-Legault, P., Jacques, M.-C., Potcoava, S.
Improving the self-efficacy, knowledge, and attitude of nurses regarding concurrent disorder care: Results from a prospective cohort study of an interprofessional, videoconference-based programme using the ECHO model. *Chicoine, G., Côté, J., Pepin, J., Dyachenko, A., Fontaine, G., Jutras-Aswad, D.
The integration of accompanying patients into clinical teams in oncology: Perceptions of accompanying patients and nurses. Ferville, A.-M., Bilodeau, K., Iliescu Nelea, M., Pomey, M.-P.
Clinical outcomes following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: The minute-by-minute impact of bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation Cournoyer, A., Grunau, B., Cheskes, S., Vaillancourt, C., Segal, E., de Montigny, L., de Champlain, F., Cavayas, Y.A., Albert, M., Potter, B., Paquet, J., Lessard, J., Chauny, J.-M., Morris, J., Lamarche, Y., Marquis, M., Cossette, S., Castonguay, V., Daoust, R.
The integration of accompanying patients into clinical teams in oncology: Perceptions of accompanying patients and nurses. Ferville, A*., Bilodeau, K., Iliescu-Nelea, M., Pomey, MP.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Décembre 2022
Children and adolescents' mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study of their experiences. Montreuil, M., Gendron-Cloutier, L., Laberge-Perrault, E., Piché, G., Genest, C., Rassy, J., Malboeuf-Hurtubise, C., Gilbert, E., Bogossian, A., Camden, C., Mastine, T., Barbo, G.
The Model of Prevention of Seclusion and Restraint Use in Mental Health: An Integrative Review]. Goulet, M.-H., *Lessard-Deschênes, C.
Evolution of burnout and psychological distress in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a 1-year observational study. Cyr, S., Marcil, M.-J., Houchi, C., Marin, M.-F., Rosa, C., Tardif, J.-C., Guay, S., Guertin, M.-C., Genest, C., Forest, J., Lavoie, P., Labrosse, M., Vadeboncoeur, A., Selcer, S., Ducharme, S., Brouillette, J.
Reliability and validity of physical examination tests for the assessment of ankle instability. Beynon, A., Le May, S., Theroux, J.
Effect of autogenic training on quality of life and symptoms in people living with HIV: A mixed method randomized controlled trial. Ramirez Garcia, M.-P., * Leclerc-Loiselle, J., Côté, J., Brouillette, M.-J., Thomas, R.
Motivational Interviewing Implementation in Primary Care: A "Terrifying Challenge" Becoming a "Professional Revelation". Langlois, S., Goudreau, J.
Enhancing perceived leadership of nursing students through a student-led dedicated education unit in a community setting: A feasibility study. De Juan Pardo, M.-Á., Vissandjee, B., Guillaumet Olives, M., Cerezuela Torre, M.-Á., Gallart Fernández-Puebla, A.
Delirium superimposed on dementia in post-acute care: Nurse documentation of symptoms and interventions. Sillner, A.-Y., Berish, D., Mailhot, T., Sweeder, L., Fick, D.-M., Kolanowski, A.-M.
Designing, planning, and conducting systematic reviews and other knowledge syntheses: Six key practical recommendations to improve feasibility and efficiency. Fontaine, G., * Maheu-Cadotte, M.-A., Lavallée, A., Mailhot, T., Lavoie, P., Rouleau G., *Vinette, B., García, M.-R., Bourbonnais, A.
Les usages de « perspectives critiques » en recherche qualitative : ethnographie institutionnelle, réalisme critique et recherche féministe Maugère, A., Rouleau, L., Gendron, S., *Leclerc-Loiselle J.
Le réalisme critique : la valeur de sa réflexion ontologique et épistémologique pour la créativité méthodologique des chercheurs qualitatifs engagés en faveur d’une transformation plus juste des structures *Rapin, J., Gendron, S.
Suicidal Ideation of Healthcare Workers During COVID-19: An Ecological Momentary Assessment. Genest, C., Bergeron, N., Provost-Tremblay, É., Dufour, M. M., Guay, S., Geoffrion, S.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Novembre 2022
Reducing cannabis use in young adults with psychosis using iCanChange, a mobile health app: protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial (ReCAP-iCC). Tatar, O., Abdel-Baki, A., Wittevrongel, A., Lecomte, T., Copeland, J., Lachance-Touchette, P., Coronado-Montoya, S., Côté, J., Crockford, D., Dubreucq, S., L'Heureux, S., Ouellet-Plamondon, C., Roy, MA., Tibbo, P. G., Villeneuve, M., Jutras-Aswad, D.
Perceptions of mobile and acute healthcare services among people experiencing homelessness. Paradis-Gagné, E., Kaszap, M., Ben Ahmed, H.-E., Pariseau-Legault, P., Jacques, M.-C., Potcoava, S.
Passing through end-of-life suffering: Possible or not? Results from a qualitative inquiry. Daneault, S., Ummel, D., Côté, A., *Leclerc-Loiselle, J., Vinit, F., Azri, M., Laperle, P., Gendron, S.
Designing, planning, and conducting systematic reviews and other knowledge syntheses: Six key practical recommendations to improve feasibility and efficiency. Fontaine, G., *Maheu-Cadotte, M.-A., Lavallée, A., Mailhot, T., Lavoie, P., Rouleau G., *Vinette B., García Ramirez, P., Bourbonnais, A.
Looking at COVID-19 effects on intimate partner and sexual violence organizations in Canada through a feminist political economy lens: a qualitative study. Michaelsen, S., Nombro, E., Djiofack, H., Ferlatte, O., Vissandjee, B., Zarowsky, C.
Technology implementation in care practices for community-dwelling older adults with mild cognitive decline: Perspectives of professional caregivers in Quebec and Brussels. Dequanter S., Steenhout, I., Fobelets, M., Gagnon, M.-P., Sasseville, M., Bourbonnais, A., Giguere, A., Ndiaye M.-A., Lambert, A., Gorus, E., Buyl, R.
Existing eHealth solutions for older adults living with neurocognitive disorders (mild and major) or dementia and their informal caregivers: protocol for an environmental scan. Jose, A., Sasseville, M., Dequanter, S., Gorus, E., Giguere, A., Bourbonnais, A., Abbasgholizadeh Rahimi, S., Buyl, R., Gagnon, M.-P.
Improving community and healthcare services for young adults diagnosed with cancer: Suggestions from a multiple stakeholder workshop. Bilodeau, K., Hartono, B.*, Lee, V., Folch, N., Charpentier, D., Vachon, MF., Pomey, MP., Sultan, S., Vinette, B.*, El-Akhras, A.*
Intérêts de l'intégration précoce de soins palliatifs aux soins oncologiques : une revue rapide des écrits. Fadhlaoui, A.*, Mrad, H.*, Vinette, B.*, Bilodeau, K.
The Experiential Learning Pathway of Cancer Survivors as They Recover Their Lives Post-Treatment: A Qualitative Study. Bilodeau, K., Henriksen, C., Lee, V., Vachon, M.-F., Charpentier, D., Folch, N., Pepin, J., Pomey, M.-P., Piché, L., Fernandez, N.
Ethnocultural Minority Workers and Sustainable Return to Work Following Work Disability: A Qualitative Interpretive Description Study. Coutu, M.-F., Durand, M.-J., Côté, D., Tremblay, D., Sylvain, C., Gouin, MM., Bilodeau, K., Nastasia, I., Paquette, M,-A.
La perception des infirmières quant à l’intégration d’une intervention novatrice inspirée de l’hypnose clinique durant les traitements de chimiothérapie à la clinique externe d’oncologie. Hjeij, D.*, Bilodeau, K., Ogez, D., Tremblay, M., Lavigne, G., Rainville, P., Arbour, C.
Les interventions éducationnelles pour améliorer la communication infirmière en santé sexuelle auprès de la clientèle gynéco-oncologique : une revue narrative. Mrad, H.*, Vinette, B.*, Chouinard, A., Bilodeau, K.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Octobre 2022
Improving the self-efficacy, knowledge, and attitude of nurses regarding concurrent disorder care: Results from a prospective cohort study of an interprofessional, videoconference-based programme using the ECHO model. *Chicoine, G., Côté. J., Pepin, J., Dyachenko, A., Fontaine, G., Jutras-Aswad, D.
Factors associated with perceived coercion in adults receiving psychiatric care: a scoping review protocol. *Lessard-Deschênes, C., Goulet, M.-H., Pariseau-Legault, P.
Nursing students' decision-making regarding postpartum hemorrhage: An exploration using the recognition-primed decision model. Lavoie P., Deschênes M.-F., *Maheu-Cadotte M.-A., *Lapierre, A., Mailhot, T., Rodriguez, D., *Desforges, J.
Patient and researcher experiences of patient engagement in primary care health care research: A participatory qualitative study. Béland, S., Lambert, M., Delahunty-Pike, A., Howse, D., Schwarz, C., Chouinard, M.-C., Aubrey-Bassler, K., Burge, F., Doucet, S., Danish, A., Dumont-Samson, O., Bisson, M., Luke, A., Macdonald, M., Gaudreau, A., Porter, J., Rubenstein, D., Sabourin, V., Scott, C., Warren, M., Wilhelm, L., Hudon, C.
Reconciling validity and challenges of patient comfort and understanding: Guidelines to patient-oriented questionnaires. Hudon, C., Danish, A., Lambert, M., Howse, D., Cassidy, M., Dumont-Samson, O., Porter, J., Rubenstein, D., Sabourin, V., Doucet, S., Ramsden, VR., Bisson, M., Schwarz, C., Chouinard, M.-C.
Enhanced Perceived Leadership of Nursing Students Through a Student-Led Dedicated Education Unit in a Community Setting: A Feasibility Study. De Juan Pardo, MA., Vissandjée, B., Guillaumet Olives, M., Cerezuela Torre, MA., Gallart Fernandez Puebla, A.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Septembre 2022
Profiles of frequent emergency department users with chronic conditions: a latent class analysis. Chiu, Y.-M., Dufour, I., Courteau, J., Vanasse, A., Chouinard, M.-C., Dubois, M.-F., Dubuc, N., Elazhary, N., Hudon, C.
Nursing students' decision-making regarding postpartum hemorrhage: An exploration using the recognition-primed decision model. Lavoie, P., Deschênes, M.-F., *Maheu-Cadotte, M.-A., *Lapierre, A., Mailhot, T., Rodriguez, D., *Desforges, J.
Multicentre implementation of a nursing competency framework at a provincial scale: A qualitative description of facilitators and barriers. Lavoie, P., Boyer, L., Pepin, J., Déry, J., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Paquet, M., Bolduc, J.
Risk and protective factors for severe acute respiratory coronavirus virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection among healthcare workers: A test-negative case-control study in Québec, Canada. Carazo, S., Villeneuve, J., Laliberté, D., Longtin Y., Talbot, D., Martin, R., Denis, G., Ducharme, F., Paquet-Bolduc, B., Anctil, G., Hegg-Deloye, S., De Serres, G.
The development of the MENTOR_D nursing intervention: Supporting family involvement in delirium management. Mailhot, T., Cossette, S., Lavoie, P., *Maheu-Cadotte, M.-A., Fontaine, G., Bourbonnais, A., Côté, J.
Non-somatic Suffering in Palliative Care: A Qualitative Study on Patients' Perspectives.Daneault, S., Azri, M., Ummel, D., Vinit, F., Côté, A., *Leclerc-Loiselle, J., Laperle, P., Gendron, S.
Association between Clinical Simulation Design Features and Novice Healthcare Professionals’ Cognitive Load: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. *Lapierre, A., Arbour, C., *Maheu-Cadotte, M.-A., *Vinette, B., Fontaine, G., Lavoie, P.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Août 2022
Assessment and care of individuals at risk of suicide in Emergency Department: The SecUrgence protocol. Rassy, J., Lesage, A., Labelle, R., Saadi, F., Goulet, M.-H., Genest, C., Maltais, N., Larue, C.
How does nursing-sensitive indicator feedback with nursing or interprofessional teams work and shape nursing performance improvement systems? A rapid realist review. *Rapin, J., Pellet, J., Mabire, C., Gendron, S., Dubois, C.-A.
Web-Based Interventions to Promote Healthy Lifestyles for Older Adults: Scoping Review.*Lavoie, A., Dubé, V.
Religion, support and self-care experiences: A qualitative descriptive study with Indonesian adults with the chronic disease living in Montreal, Canada. * Lukman N.-A., Merry, L.
"COP26: what is the message for public health?" Response from the Université de Montréal One Health initiative. Aenishaenslin, C., Batal, M., Boiteux, M., Bouchard, M., Brun, Y., Brodeur, J., Carabin, H., Carrier, J., Kasisi, R., Kritikou, E., Lavoie, J.-P., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Merry, L., Monnais, L., Sauvé, S., Stafford, L., Michel, J.-J.-T., Tremblay, H.
Integrated self-management support provided by primary care nurses to persons with chronic diseases and common mental disorders: a scoping review. Beaudin, J., Chouinard, M.-C., Girard, A., Houle, J., Ellefsen, É., Hudon, C.
The Prenatal Primary Nursing Care Experience of Pregnant Women in Contexts of Vulnerability: A Systematic Review With Thematic Synthesis. Hudon, É., Hudon, C., Chouinard, M.-C., Lafontaine, S., de Jordy, L.-C., Ellefsen, É.
Nursing Students and Nurses' Recommendations Aiming at Improving the Development of the Humanistic Caring Competency. Létourneau, D., Goudreau, J., Cara, C.
Sources of Stress and Coping Strategies Among Undergraduate Nursing Students Across All Years. Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Sanzone, L, Aubé, T, Paquet, M.
Sleep from acute to chronic traumatic brain injury and cognitive outcomes. Sanchez, E., Blais, H.-B., Duclos, C., Arbour, C., Van Der Maren, S., El-Khatib, H., Baril, A.-A., Bernard, F., Carrier, J., Gosselin, N.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Juillet 2022
Looking at COVID-19 effects on intimate partner and sexual violence organizations in Canada through a feminist political economy lens: a qualitative study. Michaelsen, S., Nombro, E., Djiofack, H., Ferlatte, O., Vissandjee B., Zarowsky, C.
Patient and family engagement in infection prevention in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: defining a consensus framework using the Q methodology - NOSO-COVID study protocol. Clavel, N. C., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Biron, A., Briand, A., Paquette, J., Bernard, L., Fancott, C., Pomey, MP., Dumez, V.
How compassionate communities are implemented and evaluated in practice: a scoping review. Dumont, K., Marcoux, I., Warren, É., Alem, F., Alvar, B., Ballu, G., Bostock, A., Cohen, S.-R., Daneault, S., Dubé, V., Houle, J., Minyaoui, A., Rouly, G., Weil, D., Kellehear, A., Boivin, A.
Lessons from Long-Term Care Facilities without COVID-19 Outbreaks. Lavoie-Tremblay M., Cyr G., Aubé T., Lavigne G.
COVID-19 and Long-Term Care: What Have We Learned? Deber, R., Crea-Arsenio, M., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Baumann, A.
Social Isolation, Loneliness and Health: A Descriptive Study of the Experiences of Migrant Mothers With Young Children (0-5 Years Old) at La Maison Bleue. Lim, M., Van Hulst, A., Pisanu, S., Merry L.
Measuring Health Literacy in Primary Healthcare: Adaptation and Validation of a French-Language Version of the Brief Health Literacy Screening among Patients with Chronic Conditions Seen in Primary Care. Chouinard, M.-C, Lambert M., Lavoie, M., Lambert, S. D., Hudon, É., Dumont-Samson, O., Hudon, C.
Experiences and perceptions of nurses participating in an interprofessional, videoconference-based educational programme on concurrent mental health and substance use disorders: a qualitative study. Chicoine G., Côté J., Pepin J., Boyer L., Rouleau G., Jutras-Aswad D.
Building a new life: a qualitative study of how family carers deal with significant changes. Duggleby, W., O'Rourke, H. M., Baxter, P., Nekolaichuk, C., Thompson, G., Peacock, S., Ghosh, S., Holroyd-Leduc, J., McAiney, C., Dubé, V., Swindle, J., Pagnucco-Renaud, M., Sana, S.
[French translation, cultural adaptation and assessment of preliminary psychometric properties of the Protective Behavioral Strategies for Marijuana Scale]. Côté, J., Auger, P., Pagé, G. M., Cossette, S., Coronado-Montoya, S., Fontaine, G., Chicoine, G., Rouleau, G., Genest, C., Lapierre, J., Jutras-Aswad, D.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Juin 2022
Levels of Medical Intervention and End-of-Life Practices in Long-Term Care Centres. *Leclerc-Loiselle, J., Gendron, S., Côté, A., Daneault, S.
The Efficacy of Virtual Reality Game Preparation for Children Scheduled for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Procedures (IMAGINE): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. Le May, S., Genest, C., Hung, N., Francoeur, M., Guingo, E., Paquette, J., Fortin, O., Guay, S.
COVID-19 - an opportunity to improve access to primary care through organizational innovations? A qualitative multiple case study in Quebec and Nova Scotia (Canada). Breton, M., Marshall, EG., Deslauriers, V., Smithman, MA., Moritz, LR., Buote, R., Morrison, B., Christian, EK., McKay, M., Stringer, K., Godard-Sebillotte, C., Sourial, N., Laberge, M., MacKenzie, A., Isenor, JE., Duhoux, A., Ashcroft, R., Mathews, M., Cossette, B., Hudon, C., McDougall, B., Guénette, L., Kirkwood, R., Green, M.-E.
Quantifying the intensity of adverse events with ibuprofen and oxycodone: an observational cohort study. Ali, S., Gourlay, K., Yukseloglu, A., (...), Le May, S., Drendel, A.L.
Holistic Health Practices of Rural Thai Homebound Older Adults: A Focused Ethnographic Study. Detthippornpong, S., Songwathana, P., Bourbonnais, A.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Mai 2022
Acceptability and Feasibility of a Return-to-Work Intervention for Posttreatment Breast Cancer Survivors: Protocol for a Co-design and Development Study. Bilodeau, K., Gouin, M., Lecours, A., Lederer, V., Durand, M., Kilpatrick, K., Lepage, D., Ladouceur-Deslauriers, L., Dorta, T.
Patient and researcher experiences of patient engagement in primary care health care research: a participatory qualitative study. Béland, S., Lambert, M., Delahunty-Pike, A., Howse, D., Schwarz, C., Chouinard, M.-C., Aubrey-Bassler, K., Burge, F., Doucet, S., Danish, A., Dumont-Samson, O., Bisson, M., Luke, A., Macdonald, M., Gaudreau, A., Porter, J., Rubenstein, D., Sabourin, V., Scott, C., Warren, M., Wilhelm, L., Hudon, C.
Improving the recognition and management of hemorrhage: A scoping review of nursing and midwifery education. Lavoie, P., *Lapierre, A., *Maheu-Cadotte, M.-A., Rodriguez, D., Lavallée, A., Mailhot, T.
What will happen to my mom? A grounded theory on nurses' support of relatives' end-of-life decision-making process for residents living with dementia in long-term care homes. Daneau S., Bourbonnais A., Legault A.
Rethinking Primary Care Delivery Models: Can Integrated Primary Care Teams Improve Care Experience? Duhoux, A., *Dufour, E., Sasseville, M., Laroche, D., Contandriopoulos, D
Conditioning to Enhance the Effects of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Experimental Pain in Healthy Volunteers. Proulx-Begin, L., Herrero Babiloni, A., Bouferguene, S., Roy, M., Lavigne, G.J., Arbour, C., De Beaumont, L.
Development of a model of interprofessional support interventions to enhance brace adherence in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis: a qualitative study Provost, M., Beauséjour, M., Ishimo, M.-C., Joncas, J., Labelle, H., Le May, S.
Critical Research and Qualitative Methodologies: Theoretical Foundations and Contribution to Nursing Research. Paradis-Gagné, E., Pariseau-Legault, P.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Avril 2022
Acceptability and Feasibility of a Return-to-Work Intervention for Posttreatment Breast Cancer Survivors: Protocol for a Co-design and Development Study. Bilodeau, K., Gouin, M., Lecours, A., Lederer, V., Durand, M., Kilpatrick, K., Lepage, D., Ladouceur-Deslauriers, L., Dorta, T.
Co-design, implementation, and evaluation of an expanded train-the-trainer strategy to support the sustainability of evidence-based practice guides for registered nurses and social workers in primary care clinics: a developmental evaluation protocol. Poitras, M.-E., Couturier, Y., Doucet, E. T., Vaillancourt, V., Poirier, M. D., Gauthier, G., Hudon, C., Delli-Colli, N., Gagnon, D., Careau, E., Duhoux, A., Gaboury, I., Charif, A. B., Ashcroft, R., Lukewich, J., Ramond-Roquin, A., Massé, S.
Development of a model of interprofessional support interventions to enhance brace adherence in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis: a qualitative study. Provost, M., Beauséjour, M., Ishimo, M.-C., Joncas, J., Labelle, H., Le May, S.
How to implement person-centred care and support for dementia in outpatient and home/community settings: Scoping review. Marulappa, N., Anderson, N.-N., Bethell, J., Bourbonnais, A., Kelly, F., McMurray, J., Rogers, H.-L., Vedel, I., Gagliardi, AR.
Implementation of a new clinical and organisational practice to improve access to primary care services: a protocol for an effectiveness-implementation hybrid study. Côté, N., Chouinard, R., Freeman, A., Gagnon, M.-P., Breton, M., Duhoux, A., Ghandour, E.-K., Laberge, M., Martin, E., Fortin, JP., Bourgeault, I.
Improving the recognition and management of hemorrhage: A scoping review of nursing and midwifery education. Lavoie, P., *Lapierre, A., *Maheu-Cadotte, M.-A., Rodriguez, D., Lavallée, A., Mailhot, T.
Psychological distress, depression symptoms and fatigue among Quebec nursing staff during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study. Côté, J., Aita, M., Chouinard, M.-C., Houle, J., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Lessard, L., Rouleau, G., Gélinas, C.
Psychometric properties of the French and English short form of the Protective Behavioural Strategies for Marijuana Scale in Canadian university students. Côté, J., Cossette, S., Auger, P., Page, G., Coronado-Montoya, S., Fontaine, G., * Chicoine, G., Rouleau, G., Genest, C., Lapierre, J., Pedersen, E.-R., Jutras-Aswad, D.
Service provider perspectives on how COVID-19 and pandemic restrictions have affected intimate partner and sexual violence survivors in Canada: a qualitative study. Michaelsen, S., Djiofack, H., Nombro, E., Ferlatte, O., Vissandjée, B., Zarowsky, C.
Structuring and organizing interprofessional healthcare in partnership with patients with diabetes: the INterprofessional Management and Education in Diabetes care (INMED) pathway. Layani, G., Vachon, B., Duhoux, A., Lussier, M.-T., Gil, J., Brault, I., Vanier, M.-C., Rodrigues, I., Motulsky, A., Kaczorowski, J., David, P.-M., Battaglini, A.
The development of the MENTOR_D nursing intervention: Supporting family involvement in delirium management. Mailhot, T., Cossette, S., Lavoie, P., *Maheu-Cadotte, M.-A., *Fontaine, G., Bourbonnais, A., Côté, J.
The Prenatal Primary Nursing Care Experience of Pregnant Women in Contexts of Vulnerability: A Systematic Review With Thematic Synthesis. Hudon, É., Hudon, C., Chouinard, M.-C., Lafontaine, S., de Jordy, L.-C., Ellefsen, É.
Transfer of Clinical Decision-Making-Related Learning Outcomes Following Simulation-Based Education in Nursing and Medicine: A Scoping Review. Lavoie, P., *Lapierre, A., *Maheu-Cadotte, M.-A., Fontaine, G., *Khetir, I., Bélisle, M.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Mars 2022
What will happen to my mom? A grounded theory on nurses' support of relatives' end-of-life decision-making process for residents living with dementia in long-term care homes. Daneau, S., Bourbonnais, A., Legault, A.
The process of learning the autogenic training relaxation technique and its benefits on the wellness of people living with HIV. Ramirez Garcia, M.-P., *Leclerc-Loiselle, J., Côté, J., Brouillette, M.-J., Thomas, R.
Routes of administration, reasons for use, and approved indications of medical cannabis in oncology: a scoping review. *Vinette, B., Côté, J., *El-Akhras, A., *Mrad. H, *Chicoine, G., Bilodeau, K.
Non-somatic Suffering in Palliative Care: A Qualitative Study on Patients' Perspectives.Daneault S., Azri, M., Ummel, D., Vinit, F., Côté, A, *Leclerc-Loiselle, J., Laperle, P., Gendron, S.
Ethical situations in practice and nurses’ occupational health: A qualitative study of their narratives. Caux, C., Dupuis F., Lechasseur, K., Lecomte, J.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Février 2022
Case Management Programs for Improving Integrated Care for Frequent Users of Healthcare Services: An Implementation Analysis. Hudon, C., Chouinard, M.-C., Bisson, M., Brousselle, A., Lambert, M., Danish, A., Rodriguez, C., Sabourin, V.
Association between Pet Ownership and Mental Health and Well-Being of Canadians Assessed in a Cross-Sectional Study during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Denis-Robichaud, J., Aenishaenslin, C., Richard, L., Desmarchelier, M., Carabin, H.
Psychological distress, depression symptoms and fatigue among Quebec nursing staff during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study. Côté, J., Aita, M., Chouinard, M.-C., Houle, J., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Lessard, L., Rouleau, G., Gélinas, C.
Hair cortisol change at COVID-19 pandemic onset predicts burnout among health personnel.Marcil, M.-J., Cyr, S., Marin, M.-F., Rosa, C., Tardif, J.-C., Guay, S., Guertin, M.-C., Genest, C., Forest, J., Lavoie, P., Labrosse, M., Vadeboncoeur, A., Selcer, S., Ducharme, S., Brouillette, J.
Healthcare professionals' longitudinal perceptions of group phenomena as determinants of self-assessed learning in organizational communities of practice. Durand, F., Richard, L., Beaudet, N., Fortin-Pellerin, L., Hudon, A.-M., Tremblay, M.-C.
Comprehensive mapping of NICU developmental care nursing interventions and related sensitive outcome indicators: a scoping review protocol. Héon, M., Aita M., Lavallée A., * De Clifford-Faugère G., * Laporte G., * Boisvert A., Feeley N.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Janvier 2022
Use of virtual reality in managing paediatric procedural pain and anxiety: An integrative literature review. Addab, S., Hamdy, R., Thorstad, K., Le May, S., Tsimicalis, A.
Opt-out universal HCV and HIV screening in a Canadian emergency room: a cross-sectional study. Martel-Laferriere, V., Baril, JG., Alarie, I., Leblanc, J., Côté, J., Jourdenais, E., Horth, D., Lambert, G., Tremblay, C.
Nurse preceptors' experiences of an online strength-based nursing course in clinical teaching. Arnaert, A., Di Feo, M., Wagner, M., Primeau, G., Aubé, T., Constantinescu, A., Lavoie-Tremblay, M.
Virtual patient simulation to improve nurses' relational skills in a continuing education context: a convergent mixed methods study. Rouleau, G., Gagnon, M.-P., Côté, J., Richard, L., Chicoine, G., Pelletier, J.
Optimizing nurses' enacted scope of practice to its full potential as an integrated strategy for the continuous improvement of clinical performance: A multicentre descriptive analysis. Déry, J., Paquet, M., Boyer, L., Dubois, S., Lavigne, G., Lavoie-Tremblay, M.
Influence of caring for COVID-19 patients on nurse's turnover, work satisfaction and quality of care. Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Gélinas, C., Aubé, T., Tchouaket, E., Tremblay, D., Gagnon, M.-P., Côté, J.
Pupil light reflex for the assessment of analgesia in critically ill sedated patients with traumatic brain injury: a preliminary study. Martineau-Lessard, C., Arbour, C., Germélus, N.-É., Williamson, D., De Beaumont, L., Bernard, F.
Educators’ Perceptions of the Development of Clinical Judgment of Direct-Entry Students and Experienced RNs Enrolled in NP Programs. Lavoie, P., Clarke, R. N.
Evaluation of interventions to reduce opioid prescribing for patients discharged from the emergency department: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Daoust, R., Paquet, J., Marquis, M., Chauny, J.-M., Williamson, D., Huard, V., Arbour, C., Emond, M., Cournoyer, A.
Building a Common Language to Facilitate Discussion Among Stakeholders in Work Disability: A Consensus Group Approach. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. Coutu, MF., Durand, MJ., Côté, D., Tremblay, D., Sylvain, C., Gouin, MM., Bilodeau, K., Nastasia, I., Paquette, MA.
Development and use of research vignettes to collect qualitative data from healthcare professionals: a scoping review. Tremblay, D., Turcotte, A., Touati, N., Poder, T. G., Kilpatrick, K., Bilodeau, K., Roy, M., Richard, P., Lessard, S., Giordano, E.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Décembre 2021
Effectiveness and experiences of the Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) Model in developing competencies among healthcare professionals: a mixed methods systematic review protocol. Chicoine, G., Côté, J., Pepin, J., Fontaine, G., * Maheu-Cadotte, M.-A., Hong, Q. N., Rouleau, G., Ziegler, D., Jutras-Aswad, D.
Risk Perceptions, Knowledge and Behaviors of General and High-Risk Adult Populations Towards COVID-19: A Systematic Scoping Review. Clavel, N., Badr, J., Gautier, L., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Paquette, J.
Effective online learning strategies for leadership and policy undergraduate courses for nursing students: a rapid review. Hudson, E., Clavel, N., Kilpatrick, K., Lavoie-Tremblay, M.
CCWORK protocol: a longitudinal study of Canadian Correctional Workers' Well-being, Organizations, Roles and Knowledge. Ricciardelli, R., Andres, E., Mitchell, M.-M., Quirion, B., Groll, D., Adorjan, M., Siqueira Cassiano, M., Shewmake, J., Herzog-Evans, M., Moran, D., Spencer, D.-C., Genest, C., Czarnuch, S., Gacek, J., Heidi, C., Maier, K., Phoenix, J., Weinrath, M., MacDermid, J., McKinnon, M., Haynes, S., Arnold, H., Turner, J., Eriksson, A., Heber, A., Anderson, G., MacPhee, R., Carleton, N.
Case management programs for people with complex needs: Towards better engagement of community pharmacies and community-based organisations. Chouinard, M.-C., Bisson, M., Danish, A., Karam, M., Beaudin, J., Grgurevic, N., Sabourin, V., Hudon, C.
Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Paper Versus Digital Reading on Reading Comprehension in Health Professional Education. Fontaine, G., Zagury-Orly, I., * Maheu-Cadotte, M.-A., * Lapierre, A., Thibodeau-Jarry, N., Denus, S., Lordkipanidzé, M., Dupont, P., Lavoie, P.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Novembre 2021
The effects of self-management interventions on depressive symptoms in adults with chronic physical disease(s) experiencing depressive symptomatology: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ould Brahim, L., Lambert, SD., Feeley, N., Coumoundouros, C., Schaffler, J., McCusker, J., Moodie. E. E. M., Kayser, J., Kolne, K., Belzile, E., Genest, C.
Transfer of Clinical Decision-Making-Related Learning Outcomes Following Simulation-Based Education in Nursing and Medicine: A Scoping Review. Lavoie, P., *Lapierre, A., *Maheu-Cadotte, M.-A., Fontaine, G., *Khetir, I., *Bélisle, M.
Development of a self-reported reflective tool on advanced access to support primary healthcare providers: study protocol of a mixed-method research design using an e-Delphi survey. Breton, M., Gaboury, I., Sasseville, M., Beaulieu, C., Abou Malham, S., Hudon, C., Rodrigues, I., Maillet, L., Duhoux, A., Deville-Stoetzel, N., Haggerty, J.
Case Study With a Participatory Approach: Rethinking Pragmatics of Stakeholder Engagement for Implementation Research. Hudon, C., Chouinard, M.-C., Bisson, M., Danish, A., Karam, M., Girard, A., Bossé, P.-L., Lambert, M.
Gilles Deleuze's societies of control: Implications for mental health nursing and coercive community care. Paradis-Gagné, E., Holmes, D.
Understanding the expanded nursing role in indigenous communities: A qualitative study. Fournier, C., Blanchet Garneau, A., Pepin, J.
L’expérience de transition vers le retour au travail de survivantes du cancer du sein âgées de moins de 50 ans après la fin des traitements. * Fadhlaoui, A., * Mrad, H., *Vinette, B., Bilodeau, K.
Synthèse des stratégies d’autogestion employées par de jeunes adultes ayant reçu une greffe de cellules hématopoïétiques : une revue narrative. * Vinette, B., * Mrad, H., *El-Akhras, A., Bilodeau, K.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Octobre 2021
A scoping review on the measurement of transnationalism in migrant health research in high-income countries. Kim, Y. N., Urquia, M., Villadsen, S. F., Merry, L.
Nursing Students and Nurses' Recommendations Aiming at Improving the Development of the Humanistic Caring Competency. Létourneau, D., Goudreau, J., Cara, C.
Reconciling validity and challenges of patient comfort and understanding: Guidelines to patient-oriented questionnaires. Hudon, C., Danish, A., Lambert, M., Howse, D., Cassidy, M., Dumont-Samson, O., Porter, J., Rubenstein, D., Sabourin, V., Doucet, S., Ramsden, VR., Bisson, M., Schwarz, C., Chouinard, M.-C.
Emerging Despite the Indelible Wound: A Grounded Theory of Family Transformation Following Adolescent Suicide. Genest, C., Gratton F, O'Reilly T, Allard, E., Maltais, N.
Traduction et adaptation d’un modèle du jugement clinique infirmier pour la recherche et la formation infirmière en contexte francophone. Lavoie, P., Deschênes, M.-F., Richard, V., Pepin, J., Tanner, C. A., Lasater, K.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Septembre 2021
Risk-Stratified Pathways for Cancer Survivorship Care: Insights from a Deliberative Multi-Stakeholder Consultation. Tremblay, D., Touati, N., Bilodeau, K., Prady, C., Usher, S., Leblanc, Y.
French translation and preliminary psychometric validation of a skin-to-skin contact instrument for nurses (SSC-F). Aita, M., * De Clifford Faugère, G., * Laporte, G., Colson, S., Feeley, N.
The therapeutic relationship in the context of involuntary treatment orders: the perspective of nurses and patients. * Lessard-Deschênes, C., Goulet, M.-H.
Challenges, coping responses and supportive interventions for international and migrant students in academic nursing programs in major host countries: a scoping review with a gender lens. Merry, L., Vissandjée, B., Verville-Provencher, K.
Optimizing nurses' enacted scope of practice to it's full potential as an integrated strategy for the continuous improvement of clinical performance: A multicenter descriptive analysis. Déry, J., Paquet, M., Boyer, L., Dubois, S., Lavigne, G., Lavoie-Tremblay, M.
Reply to: Pseudo-PEA: An easily overlooked player in cardiac arrest. Cournoyer, A., Chauny, J.-M., Daoust, R., Paquet, J., Marquis, M., Lamarche, Y., De Montigny, L., Segal, E., Cavayas, Y.-A., Cossette, S.
Front-line emergency department nurses' and physicians' assessments of processes of elder-friendly care for quality improvement. Cetin-Sahin, D., McCusker, J., Ciampi, A., Cossette, S., Vadeboncoeur, A., Vu, T. T. M., Veillette N., Ducharme, F., Belzile, E., Lachance, P. A., Mah, R., Berthelot, S.
Cross-cultural adaptations of the Family Resilience Assessment Scale: a systematic review protocol of measurement properties. *Laporte, G., *De Clifford-Faugère, G., Aita, M.
An observational cohort study comparing ibuprofen and oxycodone in children with fractures. Ali, S., Manaloor, R., Johnson, D.-W., Rosychuk, R.-J., Le May, S., Carleton, B., McGrath, P.-J., Drendel, A.-L., Pediatric Emergency Research Canada.
Patient participation in cancer network governance: a six-year case study. Tremblay, D., Touati, N., Usher, S., Bilodeau, K., Pomey, M.-P, Lévesque, L.
Nurses' experience of handoffs on four Canadian medical and surgical units: A shared accountability for knowing and safeguarding the patient. Lavoie, P., Clausen, C., Purden, M., Emed, J., Frunchak, V., Clarke, S.-P.
The association between advanced practice nursing roles and outcomes in adults following cardiac surgery: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Audet, L.-A., Paquette, L., Bordeleau, S., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Kilpatrick, K.
Documenting standard developmental care in neonatal intensive care units: Insights from the GP_Posit pilot trial. *Lavallée, A., Aita, M., Côté, J., Bell, L., Luu, T.-M.
Healthcare professional disclosure of mental illness in the workplace: a rapid scoping review. Hudson, E., Arnaert, A., Lavoie-Tremblay, M.
“Caso”, “morto” e afins: Significados do cadáver em meio à su amedicalização. Lima, O., P., Carrieri, A., Leibing, A.
Recognizing older individuals – An essay on critical gerontology, Robin Hood, and the COVID-19 crisis. Leibing, A.
Rethinking dementia as a queer way of life and as “crip possibility”: A critique of the concept of person in person-centredness. Foth, T., Leibing, A.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Août 2021
A theory-based adaptive E-learning program aimed at increasing intentions to provide brief behavior change counseling: Randomized controlled trial. Fontaine, G., Cossette, S.
Influence of caring for COVID-19 patients on nurse's turnover, work satisfaction, and quality of care. Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Gélinas, C., Aubé, T., Tchouaket, E., Tremblay, D., Gagnon, M.-P., Côté, J.
Implementation of an intersectoral outreach and community nursing care intervention with refugees in Quebec: A protocol study. Maillet, L., Champagne, G., Déry, J., Goudet, A., Charest, S., Abou-Malham, S., Desjardins, F., Touati, N., Duhoux, A., Jouego Fotso, A. C., Doré, C., Roy, B., Gagnon, S., Lane, J.
Nurses' experience of handoffs on four Canadian medical and surgical units: A shared accountability for knowing and safeguarding the patient. Lavoie, P., Clausen, C., Purden, M., Emed, J., Frunchak, V., Clarke, S. P.
Usability of a Co-designed eHealth Prototype for Caregivers: Combination Study of Three Frameworks. Tremblay, M., Latulippe, K., Guay, M., Provencher, V., Giguère, A., Poulin, V., Dubé, V., Giroux, D.
Differences in Perceived and Predicted Bleeding Risk in Older Adults With Atrial Fibrillation: The SAGE-AF Study. Bamgbade, B. A., McManus, D. D., Helm, R., Mehawej, J., Gurwitz, J. H., Mailhot, T., Abu, H. O., Goldberg, R., Wang, Z., Tisminetzky, M., Pierre-Louis, I. C., Saczynski, J.-S.
Interprofessional advanced access - a quality improvement protocol for expanding access to primary care services. Gaboury, I, Breton, M., Perreault, K., Bordeleau, F., Descôteaux, S., Maillet, L., Hudon, C., Couturier, Y., Duhoux, A., Vachon, B., Cossette, B., Rodrigues, I., Poitras, M. E., Loignon, C., Vasiliadis, H. M.
Feasibility and acceptability of hypnosis-derived communication administered by trained nurses to improve patient well-being during outpatient chemotherapy: a pilot-controlled trial. Arbour, C., Tremblay, M., Ogez, D., Martineau-Lessard, C., Lavigne, G., Rainville, P.
Reducing the impacts of exposure to potentially traumatic events on the mental health of public safety personnel: A rapid systematic scoping review. Corthésy-Blondin, L, Genest, C., Dargis, L., Bardon, C., Mishara, B. L.
Script Concordance Approach in Nursing Education. Deschênes, M.-F, Létourneau, D., Goudreau, J.
The association between advanced practice nursing roles and outcomes in adults following cardiac surgery: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Audet, L.-A., Paquette, L., Bordeleau, S., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Kilpatrick, K.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Juillet 2021
Electrical rhythm degeneration in adults with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest according to the no-flow and bystander low-flow time. Cournoyer, A., Chauny, J.-M., Paquet, J., Potter, B., Lamarche, Y., de Montigny, L., Segal E., Alexandros Cavayas, Y., Albert, M., Morris, J., Lessard, J., Marquis, M., Cossette, S., Castonguay V., Daoust R.
Factors Associated With Burnout, Post-traumatic Stress and Anxio-Depressive Symptoms in Healthcare Workers 3 Months Into the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Observational Study. Cyr, S., Marcil, M.-J., Marin, M.-F., Tardif, J.-C., Guay, S., Guertin, M.-C., Rosa, C., Genest, C., Forest, J., Lavoie, P., Labrosse, M., Vadeboncoeur, A., Selcer, S., Ducharme, S., Brouillette, J.
Effect of Paper Versus Digital Reading in Health Professional Education: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. *Fontaine, G., Zagury-Orly, I., *Maheu-Cadotte, M.-A., *Lapierre, A., Thibodeau-Jarry, N., Denus, S., Lordkipanidzé, M., Dupont, P., Lavoie, P.
EXperienceS and aTtitudes towards Agitated behaviours in Traumatic brain injury in the Intensive Care unit patients (EXSTATIC): a protocol for an interprofessional mixed-method study. Saavedra-Mitjans, M., David, P.-M., Frenette, A.-J., Arbour, C., Perreault, M., Williams, V., Bernard, F, Williamson, D.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Juin 2021
Acceptability of Nurse-Driven HIV Screening for Key Populations in Emergency Departments: A Mixed Methods Study. Leblanc, J., Côté, J., Auger P., Rouleau, G., Bastide, T., Piquet, H., Fromentin, H., Jegou, C., Duchêne, G., Verbrugghe, R., Lancien, C., Simon, T., Crémieux, A.-C.
End-users' involvement in the development of serious games for healthcare professions education: a systematic descriptive review. *Maheu-Cadotte, M.-A., Dubé, V., Cossette, S., *Lapierre, A., *Fontaine, G., *Deschênes, M.-F., Lavoie, P.
La transmission des connaissances et l’amélioration de la santé et des soins pour les migrants au Canada: Quelle est la responsabilité des bailleurs de fonds et des chercheurs en santé? Merry, L., Pelaez, S.
Transition from hospital to home after elective colorectal surgery performed in an enhanced recovery program: An integrative review. *Ruel, M.-C., Ramirez Garcia, M.-P., Arbour, C.
Caregiver Emotions When Choosing A Living Environment for A Person with Dementia: A Qualitative Study on Social Workers' Perspectives. Gaudet, K., Couture, M., Ducharme, F., Saïas T.
Nurturing and quiet intervention (NeuroN-QI) on preterm infants' neurodevelopment and maternal stress and anxiety: A pilot randomized clinical trial protocol. Aita, M., Héon, M., *Lavallée, A., *De Clifford, Faugère G., Altit, G., Le May, S., Dorval, V., Lippé, S., Larone Juneau, A., Remmer, E., Rennick, J.-E.
Promoting Family and Siblings' Adaptation Following a Preterm Birth: A Quality Improvement Project of a Family-Centered Care Nursing Educational Intervention. Aita, M., Héon, M., *Savanh, P., *De Clifford-Faugère, G., Charbonneau, L.
COVID-19, promotion and provision of palliative care: reaching out, accounting for linguistic diversity. Vissandjee B., Fernandez, I., Durivage, P., Freitas, Z., Savignac, P., Van Pevenage, I.
Progression of self-management learning experiences of young adults following an allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A qualitative study. *Vinette, B., Bilodeau, K.
Pratique infirmière en contexte d’itinérance : l’intervention de proximité. Paradis-Gagné, E., Pariseau-Legault, P.
Translation of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale into French-Canadian and English-Canadian and Validation in the Nursing Staff of Quebec. Gélinas, C., Maheu, C., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Richard-Lalonde, M., Gallani, M., Gosselin, É., Hébert, M., Tchouaket Nguemeleu, E., Côté, J.
Traduction française, adaptation culturelle et évaluation des propriétés psychométriques préliminaires de l'échelle des stratégies de protection comportementale liées à la consommation de cannabis: French translation, cultural adaptation and assessment of preliminary psychometric properties of the Protective Behavioral Strategies for Marijuana Scale. Côté, J., Auger, P., Pagé, G. M., Cossette, S., Coronado-Montoya, S., Fontaine, G., *Chicoine, G., Rouleau, G., Genest, C., Lapierre, J. et Jutras-Aswad, D.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Mai 2021
Effectiveness of interventions on early neurodevelopment of preterm infants: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Aita, M., *De Clifford Faugère, G., *Lavallée, A., Feeley, N., Stremler, R., *Rioux, É., *Proulx, M.-H.
Quality improvement project: An online discussion forum for the support of nurse preceptors orienting newly hired nurses. Matte, A.-A., Pepin, J., Remmer, E.
Documenting standard developmental care in neonatal intensive care units: Insights from the GP_Posit pilot trial. *Lavallée, A., Aita, M., Côté, J., Bell, L., Luu, T. M.
French translation, adaptation, and initial validation of the nurses' attitudes and perceptions of pain assessment in neonatal intensive care questionnaire (NAPPAQ). De Clifford-Faugère, G., Laporte, G., Gélinas, C., *Lavallée, A., Fontaine, G., Feeley, N., Colson, S., Aita, M.
Evaluating the content of a patient-reported outcome measure for people with multimorbidity: a Delphi consensus. Sasseville, M., Chouinard, M.-C., Fortin, M.
Integrating equity and social justice for indigenous peoples in undergraduate health professions education in Canada: a framework from a critical review of literature. Blanchet Garneau, A., Bélisle, M., Lavoie, P., Laurent Sédillot, C.
Risk factors for severe opioid-induced respiratory depression in hospitalized adults: A case-control study. Boitor, M., Ballard, A., Emed, J., Le May, S., Gélinas, C.
Script Concordance Approach in Nursing Education. *Deschênes, M.-F., Létourneau, D., Goudreau, J.
Learning from public health and hospital resilience to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: protocol for a multiple case study (Brazil, Canada, China, France, Japan, and Mali). Ridde, V., Gautier, L., Dagenais, C., Chabrol, F., Hou, R., Bonnet, E., David, PM., Cloos, P., Duhoux, A., Lucet, J.-C., Traverson, L., De Araujo Oliveira, S.-R., Cazarin, G., Peiffer-Smadja, N., Touré, L., Coulibaly, A., Honda, A., Noda, S., Tamura, T., Baba, H., Kodoi, H., Zinszer, K.
Impact of a videoconferencing educational programme for the management of concurrent disorders on nurses' competency development and clinical practice: protocol for a convergent mixed methods study. Chicoine, G., Côté, J., Pepin, J., Pluye P., Boyer, L., Fontaine, G., Rouleau, G., Dubreucq, S., Jutras-Aswad, D.
"Bai Lod" holistic health experienced by homebound older people in the southern Thai community. *Detthippornpong, S., Songwathana, P., Bourbonnais, A.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Avril 2021
Effectiveness of interventions on early neurodevelopment of preterm infants: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Aita, M., *De Clifford Faugère, G., *Lavallée, A., Feeley, N., Stremler, R., *Rioux, É., *Proulx, M.-H.
Correctional Work: Reflections Regarding Suicide. Genest, C., Ricciardelli, R., Carleton, R.-N.
Understanding the expanded nursing role in indigenous communities: a qualitative study. Fournier, C., Blanchet Garneau, A., Pepin, J.
Emerging Despite the Indelible Wound: A Grounded Theory of Family Transformation Following Adolescent Suicide. Genest, C., Gratton, F., O'Reilly, T., Allard, É., Maltais, N.
Digital health interventions for the management of mental health in people with chronic diseases: a rapid review. Sasseville, M., LeBlanc, A., Boucher, M., Dugas, M., Mbemba, G., Tchuente, J., Chouinard, M. C., Beaulieu, M., Beaudet, N., Skidmore, B., Cholette, P., Aspiros, C., Larouche, A., Chabot G., Gagnon, MP.
Evaluation of a web-based virtual nursing intervention to support self-management among adults with epilepsy: A mixed-methods study. Côté, J., Beaudet, L., Auger, P., Rouleau, G., Chicoine, G., Léger, V., Keezer, M., Reid, MA., Nguyen, DK.
Slow wave activity moderates the association between new learning and traumatic brain injury severity. El-Khatib, H., Sanchez, E., Arbour, C., Van Der Maren, S., Duclos, C., Blais, H., Carrier, J., Simonelli, G., Hendryckx, C., Paquet J, Gosselin, N.
Correction to: CONECT-6: a case-finding tool to identify patients with complex health needs. Hudon, C., Bisson, M., Dubois, MF., Chiu, Y., Chouinard, M.-C., Dubuc, N., Elazhary, N., Sabourin, V., Vanasse, A.
The strategic leadership of nursing directorates in the context of healthcare system reform. Ferrada-Videla, M., Dubois, S., Pepin, J.
Télésanté en contexte de pandémie et de déconfinement : pratiques infirmières innovantes et partenariats pour des communautés équitables, sécuritaires et durables.Lapierre, J., Croteau, S., Gagnon, M.-P., Caillouette J., Robichaud, F., Bouchard, S., Cote, J., Aboulhouda, I., Menard, K., Picard, S., Myette, M., Drapeau, V., Vissandjee, B., Kankindi, B., Dore, C.
Governing families that care for a sick relative: the contributions of Donzelot's theory for nursing. Paradis-Gagne, E., Holmes, D.
A scoping review of insomnia treatments for people living with HIV. Miranda, J., Sidani, S., Côté, J., & Fredericks, S.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Mars 2021
Nursing care coordination for patients with complex needs in primary healthcare: A scoping review. Karam, M., Chouinard, M.-C., Poitras, M.-E., Couturier, Y., Vedel, I., Grgurevic, N., Hudon, C.
Use of simulation-based medical education for advanced resuscitation of in-hospital cardiac arrest patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19. Boivin-Proulx, L.-A., Doherty, A., Rousseau-Saine, N., Doucet, S., Ly H.-Q., Lavoie, P., Thibodeau-Jarry, N.
Progression of self-management learning experiences of young adults following an allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A qualitative study. Vinette, B.*, Bilodeau, K.
Effect of simulation on cognitive load in health care professionals and students: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. * Lapierre, A., Arbour, C., * Maheu-Cadotte, M.-A., * Radermaker, M., *Fontaine, G., Lavoie, P.
Legitimizing: A meaningful but underappreciated and underutilized family systems nursing intervention. Duhamel, F.
In response to 'Patient Lyme disease websites prioritize science; public health websites prioritize consistent messaging'. Journault, A.-A, Richard, L., Aenishaenslin, C.
Impact of a videoconferencing educational programme for the management of concurrent disorders on nurses' competency development and clinical practice: protocol for a convergent mixed methods study. * Chicoine, G., Côté, J., Pépin, J., Pluye, P., Boyer, L., * Fontaine, G., Rouleau, G., Dubreucq, S., Jutras-Aswad, D.
Does housing improve health care utilization and costs? A longitudinal analysis of health administrative data linked to a cohort of individuals with a history of homelessness. Wiens, K., Nisenbaum, R., Sucha, E., Aubry, T., Farrell, S., Palepu, A., Duhoux, A., Gadermann, A., Hwang, S.-W.
Coercion in psychiatric and mental health nursing: A conceptual analysis. Paradis-Gagné, E., Pariseau-Legault, P., Goulet, M.-H., Jacob, J.-D., *Lessard-Deschênes, C.
"You're part of us and we're happy to have you here": Practices of social inclusion for persons with dementia. Motta-Ochoa, R., Leibing, A., Bresba, P., Williams, M., Shaffer, S., Julien, O., Racine, E., Blain-Moraes, S.
A conceptual framework of student professionalization for health professional education and research. Bélisle, M., Lavoie, P., Pepin, J., Fernandez, N., Boyer, L., Lechasseur, K., Larue, C.
Judiciarization of people suffering from mental illness: A critical analysis of the psychiatric-judicial interface. Paradis-Gagné, E., Jacob, J.-D.
Indicateurs de soins palliatifs : mise à jour des résultats pour la population adulte du Québec (2002-2016). Guertin, M-.H., Tremblay, M., Allard, E., Pucella, E., Hamel, D., Duhoux, A.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Février 2021
COVID-19, promotion and provision of palliative care: reaching out, accounting for linguistic diversity. Vissandjée, B., Fernandez, I., Durivage, P., Freitas, Z., Savignac, P., Van Pevenage, I.
A Value-Based Comparison of the Management of Ambulatory Respiratory Diseases in Walk-in Clinics, Primary Care Practices, and Emergency Departments: Protocol for a Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study. Berthelot, S., Breton, M., Guertin, J. R., Archambault, P. M., Berger Pelletier, E., Blouin, D., Borgundvaag, B., Duhoux, A., et al.
Télésanté en contexte de pandémie et de déconfinement : Pratiques infirmières innovantes et partenariats pour des communautés équitables, sécuritaires et durables. Lapierre, J., Croteau, S., Gagnon, M.-P., Caillouette, J., Robichaud, F., Bouchard, S., Côté, J., Aboulhouda, I., Ménard, K., Picard, S., Myette, È.M, Drapeau, V., Vissandjée, B., Kankindi, B., Doré, C.
Understanding patient outcomes to develop a multimorbidity adapted patient-reported outcomes measure: a qualitative description of patient and provider perspectives. Sasseville, M., Chouinard, M.-C., Fortin M.
Learning through the experience of cancer survivorship: differences across age groups. Bilodeau, K., Lee V, Pepin, J., Pomey, M.-P., Sultan, S., Folch, N., Charpentier, D., Vachon, M.-F., Dumont-Lagacé, É., Piché, L.
Towards Better Health, Social, and Community-Based Services Integration for Patients with Chronic Conditions and Complex Care Needs: Stakeholders' Recommendations. Hudon, C., Chouinard, M. C., Beaulieu, M. D., Bisson, M., Bouliane, D., Couture, M., Dumont, S., Groulx, A., Sabourin, V.
Critical ethnography of outreach nurses- perceptions of the clinical issues associated with social disaffiliation and stigma. Paradis-Gagné, E., Pariseau-Legault, P.
Governing families that care for a sick relative: the contributions of donzelot's theory for nursing. Paradis-Gagné, E., Holmes, D.
Subsyndromal Delirium in Cardiac Surgery Patients: Risk Factors and Outcomes of the Different Trajectories.Mailhot, T., Cossette, S., *Maheu-Cadotte, M-A., *Fontaine, G., Denault, A.
A value-based comparison of the management of ambulatory respiratory diseases in walk-in clinics, primary care practices, and emergency departments: protocol for a multicenter prospective cohort study. Duhoux, A., Berthelot, S., Breton, M., Guertin, J. R., Archambault, P. M., Berger Pelletier, E., Blouin, D., Borgundvaag, B., Harvey Labbé, L., Laberge, M., Lachapelle, P., Lapointe-Shaw, L., Layani, G., Lefebvre, G., Mallet, M., Matthews, D., McBrien, K., McLeod, S., Mercier, E., Messier, A., Moore, L., Morris, J., Morris, K., Ovens, H., Pageau, P., Paquette, J. S., Perry, J., Schull, M., Simon, M., Simonyan, D., Stelfox, H. T., Talbot, D., Vaillancourt, S.
Mobile crisis resolution team implementation: a rapid review. Rached-d’Astous, L., Darveau, L., Luigi, M., Bourgeois-Tardif, S., Goulet, M.-H., *Lessard-Deschênes, C., Villeneuve, E., Gilbert, M., Lesage, A.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Janvier 2021
Decreasing pain and fear in medical procedures with a pediatric population (DREAM): A pilot randomized within-subject trial. Le May, S., Hupin, M., Khadra, C., Ballard, A., Paquin, D., Beaudin, M., Bouchard, S., Cotes-Turpin, C., Noel, M., Guingo, E., Hoffman, HG., Déry, J., Hung, N., Perreault, I.
Identifying indicators sensitive to primary healthcare nurse practitioner practice: a review of systematic reviews protocol. Kilpatrick, K., Tchouaket, E. N., Chouinard, M. C., Savard, I., Bouabdillah, N., Houle, J., St-Louis, G., Jabbour, M., Atallah, R.
How does gender influence sustainable return to work following prolonged work disability? An interpretive description study. Coutu, M.-F., Durand, M.-J., Coté, D., Tremblay, D., Sylvain, C., Gouin, M.-M., Bilodeau, K., Nastasia, I., Paquette, M.-A.
Web-based interventions to promote healthy lifestyles for older adults: protocol for a scoping review. *Lavoie, A., Dubé, V.
Oxygen therapy and risk of infection for health care workers caring for patients with viral severe acute respiratory infection: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Cournoyer, A., Grand'Maison, S., Lonergan, A.-M., Lessard, J., Chauny, J.-M., Castonguay, V., Marquis M., Frégeau, A., Huard, V., Garceau-Tremblay, Z., Turcotte, A.-S., Piette, É., Paquet, J., Cossette, S., Féral-Pierssens, A.-L., Leblanc, R.-X., Martel, V., Daoust, R.
Having therapeutic conversations with fathers grieving the death of a child. Martinez, A.-M., Castiglione, S., Dupuis, F., Legault, A., Proulx, M.-C., Carnevale, F.
L'accompagnement spirituel en soins palliatifs, en temps de Covid-19: analyse de la signification d'une expérience vécue. Barreau, J.-M., Cara, C.
Cara C., Hills, M., & Watson. J. (2021). An Educator's Guide to Humanizing Nursing Education: Grounded in Caring Science. Springer.
Hills, M., Watson, J. & Cara C. (2021). Creating a caring science curriculum. An emancipatory pedagogy for nursing. (2nded.). Springer.
O’Reilly, L., & Cara, C. (2020). La phénoménologie selon l’école de pensée de Husserl. Dans Corbières, M. & Larivière, N. (Eds.). Méthodes qualitatives, quantitatives et mixtes : Dans la recherche en sciences sociales, humaines et de la santé (2e édition) (pp. 33-57). Presses de l’Université du Québec.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Décembre 2020
Evaluating the Use of Mindfulness and Yoga Training on Forensic Inpatients: A Pilot Study. Spinelli, C., Paradis-Gagné, E., Per, M., Fleischmann, M. H., Manova, V., Wallace, A. et Khoury, B.
Advocating for LGBTQ+ older adults: a review of the role of executive nurses. *Taha, S., Bernard, L., Holmes, D., Abboud, S.
L’harmonisation et l’optimisation des pratiques cliniques des infirmières : vers une gestion des soins actualisée. Poitras, M.E., Marois, L., Simard, C., Massé, S., Savard, C., Roberge, V., Déry, J., Dallaire, C., Dassylva, A., Chouinard, M.C.
Description du processus éducationnel mis en place par les infirmières auprès de personnes avec la dystrophie myotonique de type 1. Lavoie, M., Gallagher, F., Chouinard, M.-C.
Agitation, confusion, and aggression in critically ill traumatic brain injury-a pilot cohort study (ACACIA-PILOT). Williamson, DR., Cherifa, S. I., Frenette, A. J., Saavedra Mitjans, M., Charbonney, E., Cataford, G., Williams, V., Lainer Palacios, J., Burry, L., Mehta, S., Arbour, C., Bernard, F., Canadian Critical Care Trials Group.
Changing nursing practice within primary health care innovations: the case of advanced access model. Abou Malham, S., Breton, M., Touati, N., Maillet, L., Duhoux, A., Gaboury, I.
Promoting family and siblings' adaptation following a preterm birth: A quality improvement project of a family-centered care nursing educational intervention. Aita, M., Héon, M., Savanh, P., *De Clifford-Faugère, G., Charbonneau, L.
Preventive interventions targeting cannabis use and related harms in people with psychosis: A systematic review. Coronado-Montoya, S., Morissette, F., Abdel-Baki, A., Fischer, B., Côté J., Ouellet-Plamondon, C., Tremblay, L., Jutras-Aswad, D.
Online and Recovery-Oriented Support Groups Facilitated by Peer Support Workers in Times of COVID-19: Protocol for a Feasibility Pre-Post Study. Pelletier, J. F., Houle, J., Goulet, M.-H., Juster, R, P., Giguère, C. É., Bordet, J., Hénault, I., Lesage, A., De Benedictis, L., Denis, F., Ng, R.
Temporomandibular Disorders in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients: A Chronic Pain Condition Requiring Further Attention. Herrero Babiloni, A., Exposto, F. G., Bouferguene, Y., Costa, Y., Lavigne, G. J., Arbour, C.
Effectiveness of Interprofessional Manikin-Based Simulation Training on Teamwork Among Real Teams During Trauma Resuscitation in Adult Emergency Departments: A Systematic Review. *Lapierre, A., Bouferguene, S., Gauvin-Lepage, J., Lavoie, P., Arbour, C.
What lies at the intersection of law and psychiatric nursing? Exploring the process of judiciarization in the context of mental health. Paradis-Gagné, E., Jacob, J.-D., Pariseau-Legault, P.
Analyse dimensionnelle du construit formation par la recherche. Tanda, N., Alderson, M., Soyer, L., Cara, C.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Novembre 2020
Generic Self-Reported Questionnaires Measuring Self-Management: A Scoping Review. Hudon, É., Hudon, C., Lambert, M., Bisson, M., Chouinard, M. C.
PhD nursing students' changing needs relative to the comprehensive doctoral examination. Allard, E., *Leclerc-Loiselle, J., *Lavallée, A., *Vinette, B., Larue C.
Evaluation of a web-based virtual nursing intervention to support self-management among adults with epilepsy: A mixed-methods study. Côté, J., Beaudet, L., Auger, P., Rouleau, G., Chicoine, G., Léger, V., Keezer, M., Reid, M. A., Nguyen, D. K.
Can a Shockable Initial Rhythm Identify Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients with a Short No-flow Time? Cournoyer, A., De Montigny, L., Potter, B. J., Segal, E., Chauny, J. M., Lamarche, Y., Cossette, S., Morris, J., Albert, M., Denault, A., Paquet, J., Marquis, M., Daoust, R.
Slow wave activity moderates the association between new learning and traumatic brain injury severity. El-Khatib, H., Sanchez, E., Arbour, C., Van Der Maren Paquet, S., Duclos, C., Blais, H., Carrier, J., Simonelli, G., Hendryckx, C., Paquet, J., Gosselin, N.
Towards Better Health., Social., and Community-Based Services Integration for Patients with Chronic Conditions and Complex Care Needs: Stakeholders' Recommendations. Hudon, C., Chouinard, M. C., Beaulieu, MD., Bisson, M., Bouliane, D., Couture, M., Dumont, S., Groulx, A., Sabourin, V.
Efficacy of Serious Games in Healthcare Professions Education: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. *Maheu-Cadotte, M. A., Cossette, S., Dubé, V., *Fontaine G., *Lavallée A., Lavoie, P., Mailhot, T., *Deschênes, M. F.
Prise en charge du délirium chez les personnes âgées à l’urgence. Mailhot, T., *Baelen-Kontar, S., *Maheu-Cadotte, M-A., *Fontaine, G., Cossette, S., Lavoie, P.
Comparison of two vitamin D supplementation strategies in children with sickle cell disease: a randomized controlled trial. Grégoire-Pelchat, P., Pastore, Y., Robitaille, N., Le May, S., Khamessan, A., Kleiber N., Nyalendo, C., Gagné, N., Alos, N., Mailhot, G.
Zoonoses and social determinants of health: A consultation of Canadian experts. Richard, L., Aenishaenslin, C., Zinszer, K.
Profiles of Frequent Geriatric Users of Emergency Departments: A Latent Class Analysis. Dufour, I., Dubuc, N., Chouinard, M. C., Chiu, Y., Courteau, J., Hudon, C.
A Critical Ethnography of Outreach Nursing for People Experiencing Homelessness. Paradis-Gagné, É., Pariseau-Legault, P., Villemure, M., Chauvette, S.
La théorisation ancrée : une méthodologie plurielle. Allard, E., Genest, C., Legault, A.
La rétroaction vidéo pour soutenir l’établissement de la relation mère-enfant en contexte d’allaitement maternel : une étude pilote. Bell, L., St-Pierre Pruneau, A., Lacombe, M., Héon, M.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Octobre 2020
Immersive virtual reality vs. non-immersive distraction for pain management of children during bone pins and sutures removal: A randomized clinical trial protocol. Le May, S., Tsimicalis, A., Noel, M., Rainville, P., Khadra, C., Ballard, A., Guingo, E., Cotes-Turpin, C., Addab, S., Chougui, K., Francoeur, M., Hung, N., Bernstein, M., Bouchard, S., Parent, S., Hupin Debeurme, M.
High Users of Healthcare Services: Development and Alpha Testing of a Patient Decision Aid for Case Management. Poitras, M.-E., Légaré, F., Tremblay Vaillancourt, V., Godbout, I., Poirier, A., Prévost, K., Spence, C., Chouinard, M.-C., Zomahoun, H. T. V., Khadhraoui, L., Massougbodji, J., Bujold, M., Pluye, P., Hudon, C.
Factors associated with cyber-victimization among immigrants and non-immigrants in Canada: a cross-sectional nationally-representative study. Kenny, K. S., Merry, L., Brownbridge, D. A., Urquia, M. L.
Learning strategies used by undergraduate nursing students in the context of a digitial educational strategy based on script concordance: A descriptive study. *Deschênes, M.-F., Goudreau, J., Fernandez, N.
Study protocol: pragmatic randomized control trial of my tools 4 care- in care (MT4C-in care) a web-based tool for family Carers of persons with dementia residing in long term care. Duggleby, W., O'Rourke, H., Swindle, J., Peacock, S., McAiney, C., Baxter, P., Thompson, G., Dube, V., Nekolaichuk, C., Ghosh, S., Holroyd-Leduc, J.
Using web-based training to optimize pediatric palliative care knowledge transfer. *Nadeau, M. C.; Bilodeau, K.; Daoust, L.
Optimisation du transfert des connaissances en soins palliatifs pediatriques : utilisation d'une formation web. *Nadeau, M. C.; Bilodeau, K.; Daoust, L.
The Road to Family Resiliency: A Case Report of a Family's Experiences Following Adolescent Stroke. Szigeti, Z., Nalder, E., King, G., * Farthing, J., Gauvin-Lepage, J.
Perspective étudiante sur le doctorat en sciences infirmières : démystifier un parcours offrant de nombreuses possibilités. Létourneau, D., Langlois, S., Charette, M., Ha, L., *Deschênes, M.-F., *Merisier, S.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières.
Septembre 2020
Temporomandibular disorders in traumatic brain injury patients: A chronic pain condition requiring further attention. Herrero Babiloni, A., Exposto, F. G., Bouferguene, Y., Costa, Y., Lavigne, G. J., Arbour, C.
Shedding light on "the hole": A systematic review and meta-analysis on adverse psychological effects and mortality following solitary confinement in correctional settings. Luigi, M., Dellazizzo, L., Giguère, C. É., Goulet, M.-H., Dumais, A.
Sleep spindles are resilient to extensive white matter deterioration. Sanchez, E., Arbour, C., El-Khatib, H., Marcotte, K., Blais, H., Baril, A. A., Bedetti, C., Descoteaux, M., Lina, J. M., Gilbert, D., Carrier, J., Gosselin, N.
Psychological distress as a unique concept: A response to Molgora et al. (2020). *Laporte, G., Aita, M.
Solitary Confinement of Inmates Associated With Relapse Into Any Recidivism Including Violent Crime: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Luigi, M., Dellazizzo, L., Giguère, C. É., Goulet, M.-H., Potvin, S., Dumais, A.
Self-Care Experiences of Adults with Chronic Disease in Indonesia: An Integrative Review. Lukman, N. A., Leibing, A., Merry, L.
New graduate nurses' clinical competence: A mixed methods systematic review. *Charrette, M., McKenna L. G., *Deschênes, M.-F., Ha, L., *Merisier, S., Lavoie, P.
The strategic leadership of nursing directorates in the context of healthcare system reform. Ferrada-Videla, M., Dubois, S., Pepin, J.
Vers une pratique infirmière sensée et signifiante : l’exemple de la Démarche d’harmonisation des pratiques cliniques et d’optimisation de l’étendue de la pratique des infirmières au CIUSSS du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. Simard, C., Marois, L., Massé, S., Poitras, M.E., Roberge, V., Déry, J., Dallaire, C., Chouinard, M.C.
Experience of being a frequent user of primary care and emergency department services: A qualitative systematic review and thematic synthesis. Brodeur, M., Margo-Dermer, E., Chouinard, M.C., Hudon, C.
Préoccupations, intersectionalité et violence domestique en contexte de COVID-19. Hyman, I., Vissandjée, B.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières.
Août 2020
Transnationalism and care of migrant families during pregnancy, postpartum and early-childhood: an integrative review. Merry, L., Villadsen, S. F., Sicard, V., Lewis-Hibbert, N.
Experiences of an emergency department visit among older adults and their families: qualitative findings from a mixed-methods study. Cetin-Sahin, D., Ducharme, F., McCusker, J., Veillette, N., Cossette, S., Vu, T. T. M., Vadeboncoeur, A., Lachance, P. A., Mah, R., Berthelot, S.
Effects of reading media on reading comprehension in health professional education: a systematic review protocol. *Fontaine, G., Zagury-Orly, I., De Denus S, Lordkipanidzé, M., Beauchesne, M. F., *Maheu-Cadotte, M. A., White, M., Thibodeau-Jarry, N., Lavoie, P.
Oxygen therapy and risk of infection for health care workers caring for patients with viral severe acute respiratory infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Cournoyer, A., Grand'Maison, S., Lonergan, A. M., Lessard, J., Chauny, J. M., Castonguay, V., Marquis, M., Frégeau, A., Huard, V., Garceau-Tremblay, Z., Turcotte, A. S., Piette, É., Paquet, J., Cossette, S., Féral-Pierssens, A. L., Leblanc, R. X., Martel, V., Daoust, R.
Les politiques publiques affectant négativement les familles demandeuses d'asile avec des jeunes de 0 à 5 ans au Québec. Desharnais-Préfontaine, N., Pisanu, S., Bellemare, A. M., Merry, L.
Frailty, Cognitive Impairment, and Anticoagulation Among Older Adults with Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation. Mailhot, T., McManus, D. D., Waring, M. E., Lessard, D., Goldberg, R., Bamgbade B. A., Saczynski, J. S.
Systematic review and meta-analysis of olfactive stimulation interventions to manage procedural pain in preterm and full-term neonates *De Clifford-Faugere, G., *Lavallée, A., *Khadra, C., *Ballard, A., Colson, S., Aita, M.
Caring for a violent relative with severe mental illness: a qualitative study. Paradis-Gagné, E., Holmes, D., Jacob, J. D.
Self-care experiences of adults with chronic disease in Indonesia: an integrative review. Nurul Akidah, L., Leibing, A., Merry, L.
*étudiant.e.s et stagiaires postdoctoraux dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Juillet 2020
How interprofessional teams of students mobilized collaborative practice competencies and the patient partnership approach in a hybrid IPE course. Raynault A., Lebel P., Brault I., Vanier M-C., Flora L.
Measuring Quality of Care Received by Suicide Attempters in the Emergency Department. Rassy J., Daneau D., Larue C., Rahme E., Low N., Lamarre S., Turecki G., Bonin J.-P., Racine H., Morin S., Dasgupta K., Renaud J., Lesage A.
Facilitating and hindering experiences to the development of humanistic caring in the academic and clinical settings: an interpretive phenomenological study with nursing students and nurses. Letourneau D., Goudreau J., Cara C.
Nurses' judgments of patient risk of deterioration at change-of-shift handoff: Agreement between nurses and comparison with early warning scores. Lavoie P., Clarke S.P., Clausen C., Purden M., Emed J., Mailhot T., *Fontaine G., Frunchak V.
Effectiveness of a Theory- and Web-Based Adaptive Implementation Intervention on Nurses' and Nursing Students' Intentions to Provide Brief Counseling: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. *Fontaine, G., Cossette, S., Gagnon, M. P., Dube, V., Cote, J.
Perceptions and needs regarding technologies in nursing homes: An exploratory study. Bourbonnais, A., Rousseau, J., Lalonde, M. H., Meunier, J., Lapierre, N., Gagnon, M. P.
Codeveloping a Virtual Patient Simulation to Foster Nurses' Relational Skills Consistent With Motivational Interviewing: A Situation of Antiretroviral Therapy Nonadherence. Rouleau, G., Pelletier, J., Côté, J., Gagnon, M. P., Martel-Laferrière, V., Lévesque, R., SimforHealth, *Fontaine, G.
Adaptation and validation of a nursing competencies framework for clinical practice on a continuum of care from childhood to adulthood: A Delphi study. Boyer, L., Pepin, J., Dubois, S., Descôteaux, R., Robinette, L., Déry, J., Brunet, F., Bolduc, J., Deschênes, M.-F.
Nursing handoffs and clinical judgments regarding patient risk of deterioration: A mixed-methods study. Lavoie, P., Clarke, S. P., Clausen, C., Purden, M., Emed, J., Cosencova, L., Frunchak, V.
A mixed-method randomized feasibility trial evaluating progressive muscle relaxation or autogenic training on depressive symptoms and quality of life in people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who have depressive symptoms. Ramirez-Garcia, M. P., *Leclerc-Loiselle, J., Gagnon, M. P., Côté, J., Brouillette, M. J., Thomas, R.
Systematic review and meta-analysis of olfactive stimulation interventions to manage procedural pain in preterm and full-term neonates. *De Clifford-Faugere, G., *Lavallée, A., *Khadra, C., *Ballard, A., Colson, S., Aita, M.
*étudiant.e.s et stagiaires postdoctoraux dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Juin 2020
Where boys don't dance, but women still thrive: Using a development approach as a means of reconciling the right to health with the legitimization of cultural practices. Demir, M., Vissandjée, B., Jacobson, D., Einstein, G.
Where sexual orientation has no name: Sexual orientation missing data in the Canadian community health survey (2005-2014). *Brabete, A. C., Doray-Demers, P., Vissandjée, B.
Violence conjugale et pratique infirmière : Reconnaître les expériences des femmes, soutenir les décisions, conseiller, aiguiller et faciliter l’accès vers les ressources. Lapierre, J., Lessard, G., Hamelin-Brabant, L., Lévesque, S., Vissandjée, B., Moubarak, N.
Mood-related changes in children and adolescents with persistent concussion symptoms following a six-week active rehabilitation program. Hunt, A. W., Agnihotri, S., Sack, L., Tint, A., Greenspoon, D., Gauvin-Lepage, J., Gagnon, I., Reed, N., Scratch, S.
The effectiveness of E-Health solutions for ageing with cognitive impairment: A systematic review. Dequanter, S., Gagnon, M-P., Ndiaye, M. A., Gorus, E., Fobelets, M., Giguère, A., Bourbonnais, A., Buyl, R.
E-Health interventions for healthy aging: A systematic review. Buyl, R., Beogo, I., Fobelets, M., Deletroz, C., Van Landuyt, P., Dequanter, S., Gorus, E., Bourbonnais, A., Giguère, A., Lechasseur, K., Gagnon, M-P.
A guided participation nursing intervention to theraupeutic positioning and care (GP_Posit) for mothers of preterm infants: Protocol of a pilot randomized controlled trial. *Lavallée, A., Aita, M., Côté, J., Bell, L., Luu, T. M.
Implementation of the Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Role in Forensic Settings: A Case Report. Paradis-Gagné, E., Guimond, V.
Judiciarization of People Suffering From Mental Illness: A Critical Analysis of the Psychiatric-Judicial Interface. Paradis-Gagné, E., Jacob, J-D.
*étudiant.e.s et stagiaires postdoctoraux dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Mai 2020
Quality Standards of Nursing Care for the Use of Chemical Restraints: A Realist Review. *Hupé, C., Larue, C.,Gazemar, V., *Pépin, C., Contandriopoulos, D.
Developing the culture of ethics in population health intervention research in Canada. Hamelin, A-M., Caux, C., Désy, M., Guichard, A., Ouédraogo, S., Tremblay, M.-C., Vissandjée, B., Godard, B.
Is mental illness associated with placement into solitary confinement in correctional settings? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Dellazizzo, L., Giguère, C.-É., Goulet,M.-H., Dumais, A.
Effects of a projector-based hybrid virtual reality on pain in young children with burn injuries during hydrotherapy sessions: A within-subject randomized crossover trial. *Khadra, C., *Ballard, A., Paquin, D., Cortes-Turpin, C., Hoffman, H.G, Perreault, I., Fortin, J.-S., Bouchard, S., Théroux, J., Le May, S.
Global health is more than just "Public Health Somewhere Else". Turcotte-Tremblay, A.-M., Fregonese, F., Kadio, K., Alam, N., Merry, L.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Avril 2020
Application of MSD prevention practices by nursing staff working in healthcare settings. Ziam, S., Laroche, E., Lakhal, S., Alderson, M., Gagne, C.
Effectiveness of autogenic training on psychological well-being and quality of life in adults living with chronic physical health problems: A protocol for a systematic review of RCT. Ramirez-Garcia M.P. , *Leclerc-Loiselle J., Genest C., Lussier R., Dehghan G.
Optimisation du transfert des connaissances en soins palliatifs pédiatriques: utilisation d'une formation web. *Nadeau, M-.C, Bilodeau, K., Daoust,L.
How oncology teams can be patient-centred? opportunities for theoretical improvement through an empirical examination. Bilodeau, K., Tremblay, D.
Conducting gender-based analysis of existing databases when self-reported gender data are unavailable: the GENDER Index in a working population. Lacasse, A., Page, M. G.; Choiniere, M., Dorais, M., Vissandjee, B., Nguefack, H., Lore, N., Katz, Joel., Samb, O. M., Vanasse, A., TORSADE Cohort Working Group.
Long-term discourse outcomes and their relationship to white matter damage in moderate to severe adulthood traumatic brain injury. Marcotte, K., Sanchez, E., Arbour, C., Brambati S. M., Bedetti, C., Martineau, S., Descoteaux, M., Gosselin, N.
Insights into the sustainable return to work of aging workers with a work disability: an interpretative description study. Durand, M., J., Coutu, M. F., Tremblay, D., Sylvain, C., Gouin, M. M., Bilodeau, K., Kirouac, L., Paquette, M. A., Nastasia, I., Coté, D.
Effectiveness of a Web-Based Intervention to Support Medication Adherence Among People Living With HIV: Web-Based Randomized Controlled Trial. Côté, J., Rouleau, G., Ramirez-Garcia, M. P., Auger, P. Thomas, R., Leblanc, J.
Family identification of delirium in the emergency department in patients with and without dementia: validity of the family confusion assessment method (FAM-CAM). Mailhot, T., Darling, C., Ela, J., Malyuta, Y., Inouye, S. K., & Saczynski, J.
Optimisation du transfert des connaissances en soins palliatifs pédiatriques: utilisation d’une formation web. *Nadeau, M. C., Bilodeau, K., Daoust, L.
Hearing loss and cognitive decline among older adults with atrial fibrillation: the SAGE-AF study. Wang, W. J., Lessard, D., Abu, H., McManus, D. D., Mailhot, T., Gurwitz, J. H., Goldberg, R. J., & Saczynski, J.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Mars 2020
Lyme disease prevention: A content analysis of Canadian patient group and government websites. Journault, A.-A, Richard, L., Aenishaenslin, C.
Surrogates' end-of-life decision-making process in nursing homes for residents with a neurocognitive disorder: An integrative review. *Daneau, S., Bourbonnais, A., Legault, A.
The Effect of Age and Pain on Quantitative Sensory Testing Measurements After Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: Preliminary Findings. Bouferguene, S., *Lapierre, A., Rainville, P., Arbour, C.
Humanistic caring, a nursing competency: modelling a metamorphosis from students to accomplished nurses. *Létourneau, D., Goudreau, J., Cara, C.
Theoretical and philosophical assumptions behind the concept of anticipatory grief. Allard, E., Genest, C., Legault, A.
Évaluation objective structurée de l’animation du débriefing (ÉOSAD) : traduction, adaptation et validation d’une rubrique. Lavoie, P., *Deschênes, M.-F., Brien, L.-A., *Radermaker, M., Boyer, L.
Traduction, adaptation et évaluation psychométrique préliminaire d’une mesure d’engagement et d’une mesure de charge cognitive en contexte d’apprentissage numérique. *Fontaine, G., Cossette, S., *Maheu-Cadotte, M.-A., Mailhot, T., Lavoie, P., *Gagnon, M.-P., Dubé, V., Côté, J.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Février 2020
A comparative descriptive analysis of perceived quality of caring attitudes and behaviours between haemodialysis patients and their nurses. Delmas, P., Antonini, M., Berthoud, L., O'Reilly, L., Cara, C., Brousseau, S., Bellier-Teichmann, T., Weidmann, J., Roulet-Schwab, D., Ledoux, I., Pasquier, J., Boillat, E., Brandalesi, V., Konishi, M.
Long-term discourse outcomes and their relationship to white matter damage in moderate to severe adulthood traumatic brain injury. Marcotte, K., Sanchez, E., Arbour, C., Brambati, S. M., Bedetti, C., Martineau, S., Descoteaux, M., Gosselin, N.
Evaluation of the implementation and associated effects of advanced access in university family medicine groups: a study protocol. Breton, M., Maillet, L., Duhoux A., Malham, S. A., Gaboury I., Manceau, L. M., Hudon, C., Rodrigues, I., Haggerty, J., Touati, N., Beaulieu, M.-C., Loignon C., Lussier, M.-T., Vedel, I., Jbilou, J., Legare, F.
Nurses' judgments of patient risk of deterioration at change-of-shift handoff: Agreement between nurses and comparison with early warning scores. Lavoie, P., Clarke, S. P., Clausen, C., Purden, M., Emed, J., Mailhot, T., *Fontaine, G., Frunchak, V.
Revealing tacit knowledge used by experienced health professionals for interprofessional collaboration. Fernandez, N., Cyr, J., Perreault, I., Brault, I.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Janvier 2020
Quality Standards of Nursing Care for the Use of Chemical Restraints: A Realist Review. *Hupé, C., Larue C., Gazemar, V.,* Pépin, C., Contandriopoulos, D.
Update on the prevalence of persistent post-traumatic headache in adult civilian traumatic brain injury: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Arbour, C., Bouferguene, Y., Beauregard, R., Lavigne, G., Herrero Babiloni, A.
A comparative study of mothers of infants hospitalized in an open ward neonatal intensive care unit and a combined pod and single-family room design. Feeley, N., Robins, S., Genest, C., Stremler, R., Zelkowitz, P., Charbonneau, L.
Use of tabletop exercises for healthcare education: a scoping review protocol. Fregeau, A., Cournoyer, A., *Maheu-Cadotte, M-.A., Iseppon, M., Soucy, N., St-Cyr Bourque, J., Cossette, S., Castonguay, V., Fleet, R.
Acceptability of a computer-tailored and pedometer-based socio-cognitive intervention in a secondary coronary heart disease prevention program: A qualitative study. Houle, J., Gallani, M. C., Pettigrew, M., Laflamme, G., Mathieu L., Boudreau, F., Poirier, P., Cossette, S.
A New Web-Based Big Data Analytics for Dynamic Public Opinion Mapping in Digital Networks on Contested Biotechnology Fields. Tournay, V., Jacomy, M., Necula, A., Leibing, A., Blasimme, A.
Evaluating implementation and impact of a provincial quality improvement collaborative for the management of chronic diseases in primary care: the COMPAS+ study protocol. Vachon, B., Gaboury, I., Menear, M., Pomey, M. P., Roy, D., Houle, L., Breton, M., Duhoux, A., Emond, V., Giasson, G., Kaczorowski, J., Legaré, F., Lussier, M. T., Pluye, P., Vanasse, A.
Conditions and ethical challenges that could influence the implementation of technologies in nursing homes: A qualitative study. Bourbonnais, A., Rousseau, J.,* Lalonde,M.-H., Meunier, J., Lapierre, N., Gagnon, M. P.
Implementation of Nurse-Driven HIV Screening Targeting Key Populations in Emergency Departments: A Multilevel Analysis From the DICI-VIH Trial.*Leblanc, J., Côté J., Page, M. G., Piquet, H., Simon, T., Cremieux, A. C., DICI-VIH (Dépistage Infirmier CIble du VIH) Group
An Action Research to Optimize the Well-Being of Older People in Nursing Homes: Challenges and Strategies for Implementing a Complex Intervention. Bourbonnais, A., Ducharme, F., Landreville, P., Michaud, C., Gauthier, M. A., Lavallée, M. H.
Conducting gender-based analysis of existing databases when self-reported gender data are unavailable: the GENDER Index in a working population. Lacasse, A., Pagé, M. G., Choinière, M., Dorais, M., Vissandjée, B., Nguefack, H. L. N., Katz, J., Samb, O. M., Vanasse, A., TORSADE Cohort Working Group.
Geriatric Elements and Oral Anticoagulant Prescribing in Older Atrial Fibrillation Patients: SAGE-AF. Saczynski, J. S., Sanghai, S. R., Kiefe, C. I., Lessard, D., Marino, F., Waring, M. E., Parish, D., Helm, R., Sogade F., Goldberg, R., Gurwitz, J., Wang, W., Mailhot, T., Bamgbade, B., Barton, B., McManus, D. D.
Measurement and Validation of Primary Care Nursing Indicators Based on a Wound Care Tracer Condition. *Dufour, E., Duhoux, A., Contandriopoulos, D.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Décembre 2019
Effect of implementation interventions on nurses' behaviour in clinical practice: a systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression protocol.* Fontaine,G., Cossette, S., *Maheu-Cadotte, M.-A., *Deschênes, M.-F., Rouleau, G., *Lavallée, A., *Pépin, C., *Ballard, A., *Chicoine, G., *Lapierre, A., Lavoie P., Blondin J., Mailhot, T.
The effect of music on pain in the adult intensive care unit: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Richard-Lalonde, M., Gélinas C. Boitor, M. Gosselin, E. Cossette, S., Feeley, N., Chian, L. L.
Lyme disease prevention: A content analysis of Canadian patient group and government websites. Journault, A., A., Richard, L., Aenishaenslin, C.
Nurses' perspectives on human rights when coercion is used in psychiatry: a systematic review protocol of qualitative evidence. Pariseau-Legault, P., Vallée-Ouimet, S., Goulet, M.-H., Jacob, J. D.
Perceptions and needs regarding technologies in nursing homes: An exploratory study. Bourbonnais, A., Rousseau, J., *Lalonde, M.-H., Meunier, ., Lapierre, N., Gagnon, MP
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Novembre 2019
Geriatrics and humanism: Dementia and fallacies of care. Leibing, A.
Fallacies of care - A short introduction. Leibing, A., Lemos Dekker, N.
What are the factors associated with the implementation of a peer-led health promotion program? Insights from a multiple-case study. *Lorthios-Guilledroit, A., Filiatrault, J., Richard, L.
Factors Affecting Interprofessional Teamwork in Emergency Department Care of Polytrauma Patients: Results of an Exploratory Study. *Lapierre, A., Lefebvre, H., Gauvin-Lepage, J.
Pas d'efficacité sans travail d'équipe. *Lapierre, A., Gauvin-Lepage, J., Lefebvre, H.
Une analyse critique des effets de l’autorisation judiciaire de soins sur la dynamique relationnelle entre la personne visée et ses systèmes de soutien. Pariseau-Legault, P., Goulet, M. H., & Crocker, A. G.
Methodological reporting in feasibility studies: a descriptive review of the nursing intervention research literature. Mailhot, T., Goulet, M. H., *Maheu-Cadotte, M. A., *Fontaine, G., Lequin, P., & Lavoie, P.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Octobre 2019
Transition in acquired brain injury youth (TrABI-Y): a systematic literature review protocol. Gauvin-Lepage, J., *Farthing, J., *Bissonnette S., Koclas.l, Jaworski,M, Larochelle J, St-Pierre-Clément AS.
Understanding competing discourses as a basis for promoting equity in primary health care. Blanchet Garneau, A., Browne, A.J., Varcoe C.
Collaborative governance in the Quebec Cancer Network: a realist evaluation of emerging mechanisms of institutionalization, multi-level governance, and value creation using a longitudinal multiple case study design. Tremblay, D., « … », Bilodeau, K. et al.
Perceptions of Emergency Medicine Residents of Multisource Feedback: Different, Relevant, and Useful Information. Castonguay, V., Lavoie, P., Karazivan, P., et al.
Conditions and ethical challenges that could influence the implementation of technologies in nursing homes: A qualitative study. Bourbonnais, A., Rousseau, J., *Lalonde, M. H., et al.
Operating Room Culture and Interprofessional Relations: Impact on Nurse's Retention. *Laflamme, K., Leibing, A., Lavoie-Tremblay, M.
A qualitative systematic review of factors affecting caregivers' decision-making for care setting placements for individuals with dementia. Couture, M., Ducharme, F., Sasseville, M., et al.
NICU Nurses' Stress and Work Environment in an Open Ward Compared to a Combined Pod and Single-Family Room Design. Feeley, N., Robins, S., Charbonneau, L., Genest, C., et al.
Theoretical foundations of educational strategies used in e-learning environments for developing clinical reasoning in nursing students: A scoping review. *Deschênes, M.-F., Goudreau, J., *Fontaine,G., Charrette,M., *Da Silva, K.B., *Maheu-Cadotte,M.A , Boyer, L.
Surrogates' end-of-life decision-making process in nursing homes for residents with a neurocognitive disorder: An integrative review. *Daneau, S., Bourbonnais, A., Legault, A.
EQUIP Emergency: study protocol for an organizational intervention to promote equity in health care. Varcoe, C., Bungay, V., « … », Blanchet Garneau A, et al.
Web-Based Tailored Nursing Intervention to Support Medication Self-management: A Qualitative Study of the Experience of Kidney Transplant Recipients. Côté, J., Fortin, M. C., Auger, P., Rouleau G, Dubois S, Vaillant I, Gélinas-Lemay É, Boudreau N.
Feasibility of a Hybrid Web-Based and In-Person Self-management Intervention Aimed at Preventing Acute to Chronic Pain Transition After Major Lower Extremity Trauma (iPACT-E-Trauma): A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. *Bérubé, M., Gélinas C, Feeley, N., Martorella, G., Côté, J., Laflamme, GY., Rouleau, D., Choinière M.
Effects of E-Learning in a Continuing Education Context on Nursing Care: Systematic Review of Systematic Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed-Studies Reviews. *Rouleau, G., Gagnon, M.-P., Côté, J., Payne-Gagnon, J., Hudson, E., Dubois, C.-A., *Bouix-Picasso, J.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Août et septembre 2019
Behavior change counseling training programs for nurses and nursing students: A systematic descriptive review. *Fontaine, G., Cossette, S., *Maheu-Cadotte, MA., Mailhot,T., Heppell,S., Roussy,C.,Côté, J., Dubé, V.
L'accompagnement-citoyen en soutien à la participation sociale des ainés ayant un traumatisme craniocérébral. Levert, M. J., Lefebvre, H., et al.
Efficacy of adaptive e-learning for health professionals and students: a systematic review and meta-analysis. *Fontaine, G., Cossette, S., *Maheu-Cadotte, MA., Mailhot,T., *Deschênes,MF., Mathieu-Dupuis, G., Côté, J., Gagnon, MP.,Dubé, V.
Portal Hypertension Is Associated With Congestive Encephalopathy and Delirium After Cardiac Surgery. Benkreira, A., Beaubien-Souligny W., Mailhot,T.« … », Cossette, S., et al.
Communicating Science in the Digital and Social Media Ecosystem: Scoping Review and Typology of Strategies Used by Health Scientists * Fontaine G., *Maheu-Cadotte M.A., *Lavallée A., Mailhot,T., Rouleau, G., *Bouix-Picasso, J., Bourbonnais A.
Promoting Identification and Use of Aid Resources by Caregivers of Seniors: Co-Design of an Electronic Health Tool. Giroux D., Tremblay M., Latulippe K., « … », Dubé V. et al.
Requirements for an Electronic Health Tool to Support the Process of Help Seeking by Caregivers of Functionally Impaired Older Adults: Co-Design Approach. Tremblay M., Latulippe K., Giguere A. M., « … », Dubé V. et al.
For research rooted in the everyday reality of patient experience. Lefebvre H., Levert M.J., et al.
Juin & juillet 2019
Mind-body practices for people living with HIV: a systematic scoping review. Ramirez-Garcia, M.P., Gagnon, M.-P., Colson, S., Côté, J., Flores-Aranda, J., Dupont, M.
Towards a better understanding of increased sleep duration in the chronic phase of moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: an actigraphy study. El-Khatib H., Arbour C., Sanchez E., et al.
Sex- and Gender-Related Factors Associated With Cardiac Rehabilitation Enrollment: A SECONDARY ANALYSIS AMONG SYSTEMATICALLY REFERRED PATIENTS. *Maheu-Cadotte, M.-A., Mailhot, T., *Fontaine, G. Cournoyer, A., Cournoyer C., Guertin, MC, Juneau, M.
Chronic Central Pain Among Community-Dwelling Survivors of Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Quantitative Sensory Testing Study. Bouferguène S., *Lapierre A., Houzé B., Rainville P., Arbour C.
A web-based tailored nursing intervention (TAVIE en m@rche) aimed at increasing walking after an acute coronary syndrome: Multicentre randomized trial. *Kayser J. W., Cossette S., Côté J., « … », Bourbonnais A., et al.
Factors influencing the practice of new graduate nurses: A focused ethnography of acute care settings. *Charette M., Goudreau J., Bourbonnais A.
Physically aggressive behaviors in older people living with cognitive disorders: a systematic scoping review protocol. Bourbonnais A., Goulet M.-H., Landreville, P., Ellefsen, E., Larue C., *Lalonde, MH, Gendreau, PL .
How does feedback shared with interprofessional health care teams shape nursing performance improvement systems? A rapid realist review protocol. Rapin J., Pellet J., Mabire C., Gendron S., Dubois C.
Return to work after breast cancer treatments: Rebuilding everything despite feeling "in-between". Bilodeau K., Tremblay D., Durand M. J.
Gaps and delays in survivorship care in the return-to-work pathway for survivors of breast cancer-a qualitative study. Bilodeau K., Tremblay D., Durand M.
Perceptions of Emergency Medicine Residents of Multisource Feedback: Different, Relevant, and Useful Information. Castonguay V., Lavoie P., Karazivan P., et al.
La Maison Bleue: Strengthening resilience among migrant mothers living in Montreal, Canada. Aubé T., Pisanu S., Merry L.
Nursing Practice to Support People Living With HIV With Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence: A Qualitative Study. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 30(4), e20-e37 Rouleau, G., Richard, L., Côté, J., Gagnon, M.-P., & Pelletier, J.
Quand la détresse émotionnelle se traduit par des idées ou comportements suicidaires : une revue exploratoire (Scoping Review) sur le risque suicidaire chez les moins de 12 ans. *Maltais,N., Genest,C., Larue, C.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Mai 2019
How do new graduated nurses from a competency-based program demonstrate their competencies? A focused ethnography of acute care settings. *Charette Martin, Goudreau Johanne, Bourbonnais Anne.
Acceptability to nurses of reducing NICU light and noise levels during skin-to-skin care: A pilot study. Aita Marilyn, Stremler Robyn, Feeley Nancy, Nuyt, AM, * Lavallée, A.
A partnership to favour patient self-determination in oncology. Lefebvre Hélène, Proulx Michelle, Levert Marie-Josée.
Prognostic impact of the conversion to a shockable rhythm from a non-shockable rhythm for patients suffering from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Cournoyer Alexis, Cossette Sylvie, Potter Brian J., et al.
The prognostic significance of repeated prehospital shocks for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival. Cournoyer Alexis, Notebaert Éric, Cossette Sylvie, et al.
Implementation of a peer-led fall prevention program targeting fear of falling among seniors. *Lorthios-Guilledroit A, Filiatrault J, Richard L.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Avril 2019
Development and psychometric evaluation of the Job Demands in Nursing Scale and Job Resources in Nursing Scale: Results from a national study. Penz L. Kelly, Kosteniuk G. Julie, « ... », Kilpatrick Kelley
Translation and perceptions of the French version of the Cancer Survivor Profile-Breast Cancer (CSPro-BC): a tool to identify and manage unmet needs. Tremblay Dominique, Bilodeau Karine, et al.
Efficacy of the Buzzy Device for Pain Management During Needle-related Procedures: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Ballard Ariane, Trottier Evelyne, « ... », Le May Sylvie.
Letter to the editor about "How effective is trauma simulation as an educational process for healthcare providers within the trauma networks? A systematic review". *Lapierre Alexandra, Gauvin-Lepage Jérôme, Arbour Caroline.
Measurement and Validation of Primary Care Nursing Indicators Based on a Wound Care Tracer Condition. *Dufour Émilie, Duhoux Arnaud, Contandriopoulos Damien.
Brain white matter damage and its association with neuronal synchrony during sleep. Sanchez Erlan, El-Khatib Héjar, Arbour Caroline, et al.
Développer une culture de l’éthique en recherche interventionnelle en santé des populations. Hamelin Anne-Marie, Caux Chantal, « ... », Bilkis Vissandjée, et al.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Février & Mars 2019
Apprentissage organisationnel en promotion de la santé : une expérience québécoise. Santé publique. Richard L, Beaudet N, Chiocchio F, Fortin-Pellerin L.
Is older adults’ physical activity during transport compensated during other activities? Comparing four study cohorts using GPS and accelerometer data. Brondeel R, Wasfi R, Perchoux C, … Richard L, et al.
Exploring intersectionality as a policy tool for gender-based policy analysis: Implications for language and health literacy as key determinants of integration (Forthcoming) In O. Hankivsky and J. Jordan-Zachery (Eds.). London, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. "Bringing Intersectionality to Public Policy". Clark Nancy, Vissandjee Bilkis.
Life through Medications: Dementia Care in Brazil. Leibing Annette, Engel Cíntia, Carrijo Elisângela.
The Impact of Housing First on Criminal Justice Outcomes among Homeless People with Mental Illness: A Systematic Review. Deveaux Félicia, Roy Laurence, Goulet Marie-Hélène, et al.
Measured and perceived effects of audit and feedback on nursing performance: A mixed methods systematic review protocol. *Dufour Émilie, Duhoux Arnaud, Bolduc Jolianne.
Association Between the Quantity of Subcutaneous Fat and the Inter-Device Agreement of 2 Tissue Oximeters. Cournoyer Alexis, Cossette Sylvie et al.
The oncology care pathway and its transitions, an exploratory literature review. Lefebvre Hélène, Maddalena Nadia, et al.
Brain white matter damage and its association with neuronal synchrony during sleep. Sanchez Erlan, El-Khatib Héjar, Arbour Caroline, et al.
Comparison of the psychometric properties of 3 pain scales used in the pediatric emergency department: Visual Analogue Scale, Faces Pain Scale-Revised, and Colour Analogue Scale. Le May Sylvie, *Ballard Ariane, *Khadra Christelle, et al.
Risks Perceived by Frail Male Patients, Family Caregivers and Clinicians in Hospital: Do they Change after Discharge? A Multiple Case Study. Provencher Véronique, D’Amours Monia, « ... », Dubé Véronique, et al.
Promoting home support for elderly people with neurocognitive disorders: Caregiver perception of the help-seeking process. Latulipe Karine, Dubé Véronique et al.
How oncology teams can be patient-centred? opportunities for theoretical improvement through an empirical examination. Bilodeau Karine, Tremblay Dominique.
Évaluation des effets d’une intervention infirmière sur l’adhésion thérapeutique des personnes diabétiques de type 2. *Atallah, R., Côté, J., Bekarian, G.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Janvier 2019
Development and Acceptability Assessment of a Self-Management Intervention to Prevent Acute to Chronic Pain Transition after Major Lower Extremity Trauma. Bérubé Mélanie, Gélinas Céline « ... » Côté José, et al.
Nurses' practices regarding procedural pain management of preterm infants.*De Clifford-Faugere Gwenaëlle, Aita Marilyn, Le May Sylvie.
Trouble du spectre de l'autisme : intervenir auprès de la clientèle adolescente et de sa famille. Cuillerier Laurence, Genest Christine, Lefebvre Hélène.
Measured and perceived effects of audit and feedback on nursing performance: a mixed methods systematic review protocol. *Dufour Émilie, Duhoux Arnaud, Bolduc Jolianne.
Soins post-opératoires : programmes ERAS. Ruel Marie-Christine, *Lapierre Alexandra, Côté José, Arbour Caroline.
Having Therapeutic Conversations With Fathers Grieving the Death of a Child. Martinez Anne-Marie, Castiglione S., Dupuis France, Legault Alain, et al.
*étudiant.e.s dirigé.e.s par un.e professeur.e de la Faculté des sciences infirmières
Décembre 2018
Behaviors indicative of pain in brain-injured adult patients with different levels of consciousness in the intensive care unit. Géilinas Céline, Boitor Madalina,«...», Arbour Caroline, et al.
Towards a better understanding of increased sleep duration in the chronic phase of moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: an actigraphy study. El-Khatib Héjar, Arbour Caroline, et al.
Delirium After Cardiac Surgery and Cumulative Fluid Balance: A Case-Control Cohort Study. Mailhot Tanya, Cossette Sylvie, «…», *Maheu-Cadotte Marc-André, *Fontaine Guillaume, et al.
Novembre 2018
Effects on nurses' quality of working life and on patients' quality of life of an educational intervention to strengthen humanistic practice among hemodialysis nurses in Switzerland: a protocol for a mixed-methods cluster randomized controlled trial. Delmas Philippe, O’Reilly Louise, Cara Chantal, et al. BMC Nurs. 2018 Nov 21;17:47.
Formalisation and subordination: a contingency theory approach to optimising primary care teams. Contandriopoulos Damien, Perroux Mélanie, Duhoux Arnaud. BMJ Open. 2018 Nov 25; 8(11).
Promoting home support for elderly people with neurocognitive disorders: Caregiver perception of the help-seeking process. Latulippe K., Guay M., «…», Dubé Véronique, et al. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 2018 Nov 11.
Adolescents are reckless’: Representations at stake in the construction of the relationship of trust in paediatric diabetology. Fonte David, Colson Sébastien, Côté José. J Health Psychol. 2018 Nov 14.
Efficacy of a Web-Based Tailored Intervention to Reduce Cannabis Use Among Young People Attending Adult Education Centers in Quebec. Coté José, et al. Telemed J E Health. 2018 Nov;24(11):853-860.
How oncology teams can be patient-centred? Opportunities for theoretical improvement through an empirical examination. Bilodeau Karine, Tremblay Dominique .Health Expect. 2018 Nov 8.
The prognostic significance of repeated prehospital shocks for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival. Cournoyer Alexis, Notebaert Éric, Cossette Sylvie et al. CJEM. 2018 Nov 8:1-9
Treatment adequacy for social anxiety disorder in primary care patients. Chapdelaine Alexandra, Carrier J.D, Fournier L, Duhoux Arnaud, Roberge P. PLoS One. 2018 Nov 5;13(11).
Vers un leadership politique des infirmières, ou comment changer les choses. Ducharme, Francine. Perspective Infirmiere, nov/dec2018; 15(5): 51-55. 5p. (Article) ISSN: 1708-1890
Octobre 2018
Acceptability and feasibility of recruitment and data collection in a field study of hospital nurses' handoffs using mobile devices. Lavoie Patrick et al.
Situated Prevention: Framing the "New Dementia". Leibing Annette
Identifying and understanding the health and social care needs of older adults with multiple chronic conditions and their caregivers: a scoping review. McGilton Katherine S.. « … », Dubé Véronique, et al.
Re: The Effect of Foot Exercises on Wound Healing in Type 2 Diabetic Patients With a Foot Ulcer: A Randomized Control Study. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing. 2018;45(2):123-130. Dufour Émilie, Duhoux Arnaud
A reflective practice intervention to act on the moral distress of nurses providing end-of-life care on acute care units. Meziane Dounia, Ramirez-Garcia Maria Pilar, Fortin Marie-Laurence
Characteristics of the spouse caregiving experience: Comparison between early- and late-onset dementia. Wawrziczny Emilie, Berna Guillaume, Ducharme Francine, et al.
Early career researchers’ perspectives and roles in patient-oriented research. Rouleau, Geneviève, « … », Bilodeau Karine, et al.
Building and sustaining a postgraduate student network : The experience of oncology nurses in Canada. Galica Jacqueline, Bilodeau Karine, et al.
Septembre 2018
How oncology teams can be patient-centred? opportunities for theoretical improvement through an empirical examination. Health Expectations, 00 :1–10. Bilodeau K, Tremblay D.
Bâtir et entretenir un réseau d’étudiants de cycle supérieur : l’expérience d’infirmières en oncologie au Canada Karine Bilodeau, et al.
Disruption as opportunity: Impacts of an organizational health equity intervention in primary care clinics. Browne Annette J., Varcoe Colleen, « … », Blanchet Garneau Amelie.
923 Occupational health and safety issues of ethical dilemmas faced by nurses in clinical practice settings: A qualitative study. Caux Chantal, Dupuis France, et al.
Clinical nursing leadership educational intervention for first-year nursing students: A qualitative evaluation. Ha Laurence; Pepin Jacinthe
Ethical competence: An integrative review.
Lechasseur Kathleen; Caux Chantal, « … », Legault Alain
Delirium After Cardiac Surgery and Cumulative Fluid Balance: A Case-Control Cohort Study. Mailhot Tanya, Cossette Sylvie, et al.
Reprint of: Efficacy, tolerability, and safety of non-pharmacological therapies for chronic pain: An umbrella review on various CAM approaches.Houzé Bérengère, El-Khatib Héjar, Arbour Caroline.
Effectiveness of an Exercise-Based Active Rehabilitation Intervention for Youth Who Are Slow to Recover After Concussion.Gauvin-Lepage Jérôme, Friedman Debbie, Grilli; Lisa, et al
Dignity or Dignities? When a Concept Has Multiple Meanings. Allard, Emilie, Legault, Alain, Genest, Christine
Comparison of the psychometric properties of 3 pain scales used in the pediatric emergency department: Visual Analogue Scale, Faces Pain Scale-Revised, and Colour Analogue Scale. Le May Sylvie, Ballard Ariane, « … », Ali Samina
Effect of sex on recovery from persistent post-concussion symptoms in children and adolescents participating in an active rehabilitation intervention. Gauvin-Lepage, J., Friedman, D., Grilli, L., & Gagnon, I.
Été 2018
Gender-Sensitive Best Practices to Self-Manage Diabetes Mellitus Type 2: A Pilot StudyHanda Ruchika, Batal Malek, Vissandjee Bilkis, Brabete Andreea. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUALITATIVE METHODS (Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 13-13). 2455 TELLER RD, THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91320 USA: SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC.
Positive deviance and hand hygiene of nurses in a Quebec hospital: What can we learn from the best ? Létourneau Josiane, Alderson Marie, Leibing Annette.
A Customized Intervention for Dementia Caregivers: A Quasi-Experimental Design. Wawrziczny Emilie, Larochette Clotilde, « … », Ducharme Francine, et al.
A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of an Intervention to Promote Psychological Well-Being in Critically Ill Children: Soothing Through Touch, Reading, and Music. Janet E. Rennick; Robyn Stremler; Linda Horwood; Marilyn Aita; et al.
Pain and quality of life of children and adolescents with osteogenesis imperfecta over a bisphosphonate treatment cycle. Tsimicalis Argerie, Boitor Madalina, « … », Le May Sylvie, et al.
Effect of personalised citizen assistance for social participation (APIC) on older adults’ health and social participation: study protocol for a pragmatic multicentre randomised controlled trial (RCT) Levasseur Mélanie, « … », Levert Marie-Josée, Lefebvre Hélène, et al.
Efficacy of the Buzzy® device for pain management of children during needle-related procedures: a systematic review protocol. Ariane Ballard, Christelle Khadra, Sylvie Le May, et al.
Development and Acceptability Assessment of a Self-Management Intervention to Prevent Acute to Chronic Pain Transition after Major Lower Extremity Trauma. Bérubé Mélanie, Gélinas C, « … », Côté José, et al.
Impacts of online and group perinatal education: a mixed methods study protocol for the optimization of perinatal health services. Roch Geneviève, Borgès Da Silva Roxane, et al.
The creation and integration of a nurse educator position in two hospitals in Haiti. Mahon Abbey, Valcourt Roodeline, Merry Lisa, et al.
Introduction of a palliative approach in the care trajectory among people living with advanced MS: perceptions of home-based health professionals. Leclerc-Loiselle, Jerome; Legault, Alain.
Once upon a time: Storytelling as a knowledge translation strategy for qualitative researchers. Anne Bourbonnais, Cécile Michaud
Reliability of a Canadian database for primary care nursing services' clinical and administrative data. Dufour Émilie, Duhoux Arnaud, Contandriopoulos Damien.
Treating and reducing anxiety and pain in the paediatric emergency department-TIME FOR ACTION-the TRAPPED quality improvement collaborative. Trottier Evelyne D; Ali Samina; Thull-Freedman, « … », Le May Sylvie; et al.
The Burden of Repeat Prescribing Medications after a Related Adverse Drug Event. Welk Blayne, Richard Lucie, et al.
An unnecessary pain: A commentary on Gao et al. De Clifford-Faugère Gwenaelle, Aita Marilyn, Sébastien Colson.
Patterns of benzodiazepines use in primary care adults with anxiety disorders. Tanguay Marie-Michèle, Bernard Mireille, « … », Arnaud Duhoux, et al.
Rien ne doit se faire pour eux sans eux : renforcer la participation des demandeurs d'asile, réfugiés et migrants sans statut et des organismes communautaires dans la recherche en santé. Emilie Robert, Lisa Merry, et al.
Web-Based Tailored Intervention to Support Optimal Medication Adherence Among Kidney Transplant Recipients: Pilot Parallel-Group Randomized Controlled Trial. Côté, J., Fortin, M.-C., Auger, P., Rouleau, G., Dubois, S., Boudreau, N., Vaillant, I., Gélinas-Lemay, É.
Avril 2018
Primary healthcare providers' practices related to non-malarial acute febrile illness in Burkina Faso. Carol Bottger, Laurence Bernard et al.
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 111(12), 555-563.
An Action Research to Optimize the Well-Being of Older People in Nursing Homes: Challenges and Strategies for Implementing a Complex Intervention. Anne Bourbonnais, Francine Ducharme et al. Journal Applied Gerontology.
Syndrome coronarien aigu et rôle de l'infirmière dans le continuum de soins 2e partie : la prévention secondaire. Guillaume Fontaine, « … », Patrick Lavoie et al.Perspective Infirmiere, 15(2), 44-52.
Effectiveness of serious games and impact of design elements on engagement and educational outcomes in healthcare professionals and students: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. Marc-Andre Maheu-Cadotte, Sylvie Cossette, Veronique Dube, « … », Patrick Lavoie et al. BMJ Open, 8(3), e019871.
How does questioning influence nursing students' clinical reasoning in problem-based learning? A scoping review. Sophia Merisier, Caroline Larue et Louise Boyer.Nurse Education Today, 65, 108-115.
Doing Peer Review: Reflections From an International Group of Postdoctoral Fellows. Lisa Merry, et al.Journal of Research Practice, 13(2), 7.
Développement d'un système de gestion de la performance des soins dans un centre hospitalier universitaire suisse. Joachim Rapin, Danielle D'Amour et al.
Recherche en Soins Infirmiers(131), 61-70.
Measuring the effect of nurse staffing on patient outcomes: A comment on Kim & Bae Joachim Rapin, Cedric Mabire, Sylvie Gendron et Carl-Ardy Dubois.International Journal of Nursing Studies, 82, 11-12. &nb
Mars 2018
Exploration of the contexts surrounding the implementation of an intervention supporting return-to-work after breast cancer in a primary care setting: starting point for an intervention development. Karine Bilodeau, Dominique Tremblay et Marie-José Durand.Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 11, 75-83.
Efficacy of a Web-Based Tailored Intervention to Reduce Cannabis Use Among Young People Attending Adult Education Centers in Quebec. José Cote, Sébastien Tessier, Hélène Gagnon, Nicole April, Geneviève Rouleau et Miguel Chagnon.Telemedicine Journal and e-Health.
Impact of the direct transfer to percutaneous coronary intervention-capable hospitals on survival to hospital discharge for patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Alexis Cournoyer, « … » Sylvie Cossette, et al.Resuscitation, 123, N.PAG-N.PAG.
Identification and Analysis of Factors Contributing to the Reduction in Seclusion and Restraint for a Population with Intellectual Disability.Caroline Larue, Marie‐Hélène Goulet, et al.
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 31(2), e212-e222.
Web-based educational intervention improves enrolled nurses' knowledge and performance with deteriorating patients. Patrick Lavoie.Evidence-Based Nursing. doi: 10.1136/eb-2017-102832
Factors associated with the implementation of community-based peer-led health promotion programs: A scoping review. Agathe Lorthios-Guilledroit, Lucie Richard et Johanne Filiatrault.Evaluation and Program Planning, 68, 19-33.
Canada's universal health-care system: achieving its potential. Danielle Martin, « … », Bilkis Vissandjee et Gregory P Marchildon. Lancet.
How Older Adults Experience an Emergency Department Visit: Development and Validation of Measures. Jane McCusker, « … », Sylvie Cossette, Francine Ducharme, et al.Annals of Emergency Medicine.
Nursing wound care practices in Haiti: facilitators and barriers to quality care. B. A. Timmins, « … », et Lisa Merry.International Nursing Review.
A Hybrid Web-Based and In-Person Self-Management Intervention Aimed at Preventing Acute to Chronic Pain Transition After Major Lower Extremity Trauma: Feasibility and Acceptability of iPACT-E-Trauma.*Berube, M., Gélinas, C., Feeley, N., Martorella, G., Côté, J., Laflamme, GY., Rouleau, D., Choinière, M.
Février 2018
A sociogram is worth a thousand words: proposing a method for the visual analysis of narrative data. Damien Contandriopoulos, Catherine Larouche, Mylaine Breton et Astrid Brousselle.
Qualitative Research, 18(1), 70-87.
Comparing interprofessional and interorganizational collaboration in healthcare: A systematic review of the qualitative research. Marlène Karam, Isabelle Brault, Thérèse Van Durme et Jean Macq. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 79, 70-83.
Learning theories and tools for the assessment of core nursing competencies in simulation: A theoretical review. Patrick Lavoie, « … », Louise Boyer, « … », Caroline Larue, « … », et Jacinthe Pepin.Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74(2), 239-250.
Janvier 2018
Drawing on antiracist approaches toward a critical antidiscriminatory pedagogy for nursing. Amélie Blanchet Garneau, Annette J. Browne et Colleen Varcoe. Nursing Inquiry, 25(1), 1-1.
Applying cultural safety beyond Indigenous contexts: Insights from health research with Amish and Low German Mennonites. Amélie Blanchet Garneau, Helen Farrar, HaiYan Fan et Judith Kulig. Nursing Inquiry, 25(1), 1-1.
Nursing Practice in Primary Care and Patients' Experience of Care. Roxane Borges Da Silva, Isabelle Brault, « … », et Danielle D'Amour. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health, 9, 2150131917747186.
Ce n'est pas la joie, tous ces cris! Anne Bourbonnais, Francine Ducharme, et al.Perspective Infirmiere, 15(1), 46-50.
Soutenir le déploiement de la prescription infirmière dans les milieux cliniques. Isabelle Brault, Andrée-Anne Desjardins, Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Carl-Ardy Dubois, et al. Perspective Infirmiere, 15(1), 46-50.
Scope of Nursing Practice in a Tertiary Pediatric Setting: Associations With Nurse and Job Characteristics and Job Satisfaction. Johanne Déry, Sean P. Clarke, Danielle D'Amour et Régis Blais. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 50(1), 56-64.
Health science communication strategies used by researchers with the public in the digital and social media ecosystem: a systematic scoping review protocol. Guillaume Fontaine, « … », et Anne Bourbonnais. BMJ Open, 8(1),
Syndrome coronarien aigu et rôle de l'infirmière dans le continuum de soins. Guillaume Fontaine, Kim Laflamme, Patrick Lavoie, et al. Perspective Infirmiere, 15(1), 38-44.
Using a Wireless Electroencephalography Device to Evaluate E-Health and E-Learning Interventions. Tanya Mailhot, Patrick Lavoie, « … », José Côté, France Dupuis, « … », et Sylvie Cossette. Nursing Research, 67(1), 43-48.
Décembre 2017
Does age matter? A mixed methods study examining determinants of good recovery and resilience in young and middle-aged adults following moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury. Caroline Arbour, « … », Marie-Josée Levert, « … », et Hélène Lefebvre. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73(12), 3133-3143.
Distraction Kits for Pain Management of Children Undergoing Painful Procedures in the Emergency Department: A Pilot Study. Ariane Ballard, Sylvie Le May, et al. Pain Management Nursing, 18(6), 418-426.
Evaluation de l'implantation de la prescription infirmière au Québec. Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Isabelle Brault, Carl-Ardy Dubois, et al. Perspective Infirmiere, 14(5), 53-57.
Identifying and understanding the health and social care needs of older adults with multiple chronic conditions and their caregivers: a protocol for a scoping review. Elana Commisso, « … », Line Beaudet, Véronique Dube, et al. BMJ Open, 7(12)
Which priority indicators to use to evaluate nursing care performance? A discussion paper. Carl-Ardy Dubois, Danielle D'Amour, Isabelle Brault, « … », Arnaud Duhoux, et al. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73(12), 3154-3167.
Evaluation of an intervention with nurses for delirium detection after cardiac surgery. Vanessa Fraser, Sylvie Cossette, « … », et Véronique Dubé. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 15 (1) 38-44.
Psychometric analysis of the TRANSIT quality indicators for cardiovascular disease prevention in primary care. Cynthia Khanji, « … », Johanne Goudreau, Fabie Duhamel, et al. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 29(8), 999-1005.
Optimizing clinical and organizational practice in cancer survivor transitions between specialized oncology and primary care teams: a realist evaluation of multiple case studies. Dominique Tremblay, « … », Karine Bilodeau, et al. BMC Health Services Research, 17, 834-834.
Novembre 2017
Translating Knowledge From a Family Systems Approach to Clinical Practice: Insights From Knowledge Translation Research Experiences. Fabie Duhamel. Journal of Family Nursing, 23(4), 461-487.
Fostering development of nursing practices to support integrated care when implementing integrated care pathways: what levers to use? Caroline Longpré et Carl-Ardy Dubois. BMC Health Services Research, 17, 1-16.
Does Sleep Bruxism Contribute to Headache-Related Disability After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury? A Case-Control Study. Yoshitaka Suzuki, Caroline Arbour, et al. Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache, 31(4), 306-312.
Positive deviance and hand hygiene of nurses in a Quebec hospital: What can we learn from the best Josiane Létourneau, Marie Alderson, Annette Leibing
Tailored Web-Based Interventions for Pain: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Geraldine Martorella, Madalina Boitor, Melanie Berube, Suzanne Fredericks, Sylvie Le May, Céline Gélinas
Elder-Friendly Emergency Department: Development and Validation of a Quality Assessment Tool
Jane McCusker, Minh Vu, Nathalie Veillette, Sylvie Cossette, Alain Vadeboncoeur , Antonio Ciampi, Deniz Cetin-Sahin, Eric Belzile
L’ivabradine (Lancora™) dans le traitement de l’insuffisance cardiaque. Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Isabelle Brault, Carl-Ardy Dubois, Motulsky A, Prud'homme A.
Structural analysis of health-relevant policy-making information exchange networks in Canada. Damien Contandriopoulos, ... Arnaud Duhoux, …, Anne Lardeux, Mélanie Perroux et al.
An exploratory study of safety culture, biological risk management and hand hygiene of healthcare professionals. Laurence Bernard, et al.
Effectiveness of interventions during NICU hospitalization on the neurodevelopment of preterm infants: a systematic review protocol. Marilyn Aita, Robin Stremler, Nancy Feeley, Andréanne Lavallée, Gwenaelle De Clifford-Faugère
Interventions to promote or improve the mental health of primary care nurses : a systematic review. Arnaud Duhoux, Matthew Menear, Maude Charron, Mélanie Lavoie-Tremblay, Marie Alderson.
Exploratory factor analysis and reliability of the Primary Health Care Engagement (PHCE) Scale in rural and remote nurses: findings from a national survey. Julie G. Kosteniuk … Kelley Kilpatrick, et al
Octobre 2017
Creating an inclusive mall environment with the PRECEDE-PROCEED model: a living lab case study. Sara Ahmed, « … », Hélène Lefebvre, et al.Disability & Rehabilitation, 39(21), 2198-2206.
Potential impact of a prehospital redirection system for refractory cardiac arrest. Alexis Cournoyer, « … », Sylvie Cossette, et al.Resuscitation, 119, 37-42.
Olfactive stimulation interventions for managing procedural pain in preterm and full-term neonates: a systematic review protocol. Gwenaelle De Clifford-Faugere, Andreane Lavallee et Marilyn Aita.Systematic Reviews, 6(1), 203.
Efficacy, tolerability, and safety of non-pharmacological therapies for chronic pain: An umbrella review on various CAM approaches. Bérengère Houzé, Héjar El-Khatib et Caroline Arbour. Progress Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry, 79(Part B), 192-205
Effects of e-learning in a continuing education context on nursing care: a review of systematic qualitative, quantitative and mixed studies reviews (protocol). Geneviève Rouleau, « … », José Cote, « … », et Carl-Ardy Dubois. BMJ Open, 7(10),
Oral Analgesics Utilization for Children With Musculoskeletal Injury (OUCH Trial): An RCT. Sylvie Le May et al. (2017)
Septembre 2017
Prehospital Advanced Cardiac Life Support for Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Cohort Study. Alexis Cournoyer, « … », Sylvie Cossette, et al. Academic Emergency Medicine, 24(9), 1100-1109
What can organizations do to improve family physicians' interprofessional collaboration? Results of a survey of primary care in Quebec. Kadija Perreault, « … », Roxane Borgès Da Silva, et al.Canadian Family Physician, 63(9)
Response to the letter from Professor Helena Hachul and colleagues.Yoshitaka Suzuki, Caroline Arbour, et al. Sleep Medicine, 37, 219-220.
Learning theories and tools for the assessment of core nursing competencies in simulation: A theoretical review. Lavoie P. et al. (2017).
Nursing Students’ Perceptions of the Contribution of High-Fidelity Simulation and Clinical Placement in a Critical Care Course. Brien et al. (2017).
Août 2017
Consent to care of persons with intellectual disability in Quebec: from vulnerability to capability. Chantal Caux et Jocelin Lecomte.Salud Publica Mex, 59(4), 462-467.
Supporting nurse practitioners' practice in primary healthcare settings: a three-level qualitative model. Véronique Chouinard, Damien Contandriopoulos, et al. BMC Health Services Research, 17, 1-9.
Back Pain Prevalence Is Associated With Curve-type and Severity in Adolescents With Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Cross-sectional Study. Jean Théroux, Sylvie Le May, et al. Spine (03622436), 42(15),
Revisiting the psychometric properties of the Scoliosis Research Society-22 (SRS-22) French version. Jean Théroux, « … », et Sylvie Le May.Scoliosis & Spinal Disorders, 12, 1-7.
Experiences of nursing students and educators during the co-construction of clinical nursing leadership learning activities: A qualitative research and development study. Ha et Pepin (2017).
Effectiveness of Adaptive E-Learning Environments on Knowledge, Competence, and Behavior in Health Professionals and Students: Protocol for a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Fontaine G. et al (2017).
Does age matter? A mixed methods study examining determinants of good recovery and resilience in young and middle-aged adults following moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury.Arbour C. et al. (2017).
Efficacy, tolerability, and safety of non-pharmacological therapies for chronic pain: An umbrella review on various CAM approaches. Houzé et al (2017).
Revisiting the psychometric properties of the Scoliosis Research Society-22 (SRS-22) French version. Théroux J. et al. (2017).
Changes in Emergency Department Geriatric Services in Quebec and Correlates of These Changes. McCusker et al. (2017).
Nurse-environment interactions in the development of cultural competence. Blanchet-Garneau A. et al. (2017).
The Use of Intervention Mapping to Develop a Tailored Web-Based Intervention, Condom-HIM.Miranda J et Côté J. (2017).
Effects of Cycled Lighting Versus Continuous Near Darkness on Physiological Stability and Motor Activity Level in Preterm Infants. Lebel V. (2017).À propos de la douleur des nouveau-nés prématurés. De Clifford-Faugère G. et Aita M. (2017).
Présentation. Numéro spécial Santé mentale au Québec. Fournier L. et al. (2017).
Le rôle des infirmières dans les services de première ligne face aux personnes souffrant d’un trouble mental courant. Charron M. et al. (2017).
Juin 2017
La collaboration interprofessionnelle lors de la prise en charge d'un polytraumatisé aux urgences : une revue de la littérature. Alexandra Lapierre, Jérôme Gauvin-Lepage et Hélène Lefebvre.Recherche en Soins Infirmiers, (129), 73-88
Panorama des modèles de soins infirmiers utilisés par les chefs de département infirmier dans des hôpitaux belges francophones et bilingues. Dan Lecocq, Hélène Lefebvre, et al.
Spinal Manipulative Therapy for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Systematic Review.Jean Théroux, « … », et Sylvie Le May. Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics, 40(6),
Professional development programs in health promotion: tools and processes to favor new practices. Sara Torres, Lucie Richard, et al.Health Promotion International, 32(3), 587-598.
Which priority indicators to use to evaluate nursing care performance? A discussion paper. Dubois et al. (2017).
Supporting nurse practitioners’ practice in primary healthcare settings: a three-level qualitative model.Chouinard et al. (2017).
A post cardiac surgery intervention to manage delirium involving families: a randomized pilot study. Mailhot et al. (2017).
A Case Study: Seclusion and Restraint in Psychiatric Care. Goulet et Larue (2017).
Applying cultural safety beyond Indigenous contexts: Insights from health research with Amish and Low German Mennonites. Blanchet-Garneau et al. (2017).
A Hybrid Web-Based and In-Person Self-Management Intervention to Prevent Acute to Chronic Pain Transition After Major Lower Extremity Trauma (iPACT-E-Trauma): Protocol for a Pilot Single-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial. Bérubé et al. (2017).
Le modèle de partenariat humaniste en sante. Lecocq et al. (2017).
Do Gender-Predominant Primary Health Care Organizations Have an Impact on Patient Experience of Care, Use of Services, and Unmet Needs?
Mai 2017
Evaluation of seclusion and restraint reduction programs in mental health: A systematic review. Goulet et al. (2017).
Identifying Quality of Life Measures That Correlate With Quality of Family Relationships Measures in Homeless Persons With Mental Illness: Avenues for Exiting Homelessness? Bonin et al. (2017).
Avril 2017
Christine L. Covell, Kelley Kilpatrick et al
Internationally educated nurses in Canada: predictors of workforce integration.
Mamadou Diop, « … »,Roxane Borges Da Silva, et al:
Patricia Harbman, « … »,Kelley Kilpatrick , et al
Andreane Lavallee, Marilyn Aita, Anne Bourbonnais et Gwenaëlle de Clifford-Faugere :
Geneviève Rouleau, « … », José Cote, « … », et Carl-Ardy Dubois:
Individuals with pain need more sleep in the early stage of mild traumatic brain injury
Health and legal literacy for migrants: twinned strands woven in the cloth of social justice and the human right to health care
Implementation of an integrated primary care cardiometabolic risk prevention and management network in Montréal: does greater coordination of care with primary care physicians have an impact on health outcomes?